admin Posted on 9:35 am

Santa Letter: A Look at the 3 Types of Modern Santa Letters

A letter from Santa could possibly be the most magical gift you give your children this year. Letters from Santa Claus can really light up a child’s face, especially younger children who still believe in Santa Claus, the Elves and his workshop at the North Pole.

The traditional letter from Santa Claus used to be something that mom or dad would write on Christmas Eve, but let’s face it, kids are getting smarter and smarter these days and as parents we really need to try a little harder to maintain the wonderful illusion of Santa Claus lives in the minds of our children.

Today, there are online companies that offer a fantastic low-cost service, where they send a letter from Santa Claus, complete with a North Pole postage stamp, but for the families that are really thinking about today among you, there are even some Modern variants of the classic Santa Claus cards.

Below, I take a look at the three main types of letters from Santa that are available to you.

Suggestion one: Classic letter from Santa Claus

The classic Santa Claus cards are still by far the most popular of the genre. Partly because of the low expense involved, but also because people can stick to tradition and like the idea that Santa still prefers an older method of corresponding with children around the world.

Tip two: Personalized DVD Message from Santa Claus

A modern alternative to the classic letter from Santa Claus is, of course, a personalized video message from the great man. By using a cleverly thought-out form on the website, you can create a video message as if Santa is talking to his child in person. Just watch his face light up when Santa mentions his name and they see his name written on a gift tag on a present in Santa’s workshop. Keep in mind that there are a finite number of names that these video messages have been created for, so sadly, children with more unusual names may miss out.

Tip three: Live phone call from Santa

Finally, the most recent format in this genre is that of a live phone call from Santa Claus. Conducted by a professional actor, these calls can become truly interactive and even the shyest of kids can come out of their shells by discussing with Santa what they would like for Christmas and of course assuring Santa that they’ve really been good. girl or boy this year.

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