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Dog training, 6 commands that every dog ​​should know


There are many training techniques and philosophies that claim to be the fastest, easiest, or most effective way to train your dog. The one thing that each dog training technique seems to reflect is that positive reinforcement and reward are the most effective. The second thing that all training techniques have in common is that the first step is to teach the dog the fundamental commands. These fundamental commands will be the basis of communication between canines and humans.

The first command you should teach is SIT. With a few slight differences, most dog training advice agrees. The easiest way to teach this command is to make it produce the desired result without much effort. For very young puppies, hold their food bowl above and behind their heads. Your pup looks up, loses his balance and sits down. You reinforce by saying the command, SIT, then praise the pup and reward with a treat. Repeat this process during each meal and with treats until you FEEL on command without a food stimulus. Older dogs have better balance so an extra step may need to be used. Some dog training techniques suggest using a slack leash to keep your dog still, then simply using a treat held above and behind his head, command SIT. If your dog resists, use your index finger and thumb to apply pressure just in front of the hipbone or slide your hand over the rump and apply pressure while tucking the legs and tail down to make him SIT. As always, praise and treat the desired result. All other critical commands will build on the success of the SIT Command.

The second command you must train your dog is NO. This mandate requires consistency from you, as a trainer, and from all members of the family. The NO command should always be pronounced in a high pitched guttural tone and alone. Don’t use it with your dog’s name, or in a panicked or high-pitched tone that is only natural if you walked in and saw your dog chewing on her favorite pair of shoes. Your tone should be authoritative, sharp, and strong to convey your displeasure. No attention as punishment. Consistency is the key to training your dog.

STAY is another command every dog ​​should know. Building on SIT, stand next to your dog with the leash tease held directly over his head. Incorporate hand signals and place your open palm in front of the dog’s nose. Say STAY and move in front of your dog to block his forward movement. If he moves, repeat the hand signal and the STAY command. If he stays, approach him, have him hold the STAY button for a few seconds, praise him, and treat him. As with every dog ​​training technique, continue to slowly increase the distance increments and keep time with each training lesson. An additional element when training your dog to STAY is the three D’s. Duration, Distraction and Distance. As I just mentioned, it is important to slowly increase the Duration and Distance increments, but Distraction should be entered to assess your dogs understanding of this command. Be sure to add distraction while training your dog before the distance gets too long. Common distractions would be someone walking into the training area with a toy, another dog walking, etc.

The DOWN command can be taught right after SIT is mastered. It is important to use only the word DOWN. Your dog doesn’t understand variations like Lay Down. You must be consistent when training your dog so that DOWN only refers to lying down. If you want to teach your dog to get off his chair, train OFF as his command. To teach your dog to lie down, first ask him to SIT. Using a treat, bring your dog into a lying position by dragging the treat between his legs and moving it forward. When the desired position is reached, praise and treat. As you train your dog with each new command, be sure to mix each command so that patterns don’t develop and the action of each different command is rewarded when achieved. (SIT STAY), (SIT STAY COME), (SIT STAY)

Teaching your dog to HEEL makes walks around your neighborhood a pleasant experience. I am sure you have seen or experienced the owner being walked by their dog. The owner is afraid of every human or animal that comes near because they have not been HEEL trained. Your goal is for your dog to stay close to you on a walk. He won’t pull on you or become too difficult to control with distractions from other dogs or humans. Start from HEEL, add ‘Let’s go for a walk’ so your dog knows what to expect after HEEL has been learned. Good advice, exercise your dog with games before training him to HEEL. Get rid of all excess energy and train your dog in a quiet, distraction-free area. Start at SIT, use your dog’s name and command HEEL. If your dog won’t stay with you and runs away, turn the other way and repeat the HEEL command and the dog’s name. Always remember to praise and address desired responses.

The last fundamental command that is a must when starting to train your dog is the COME command. This command seems so easy, after all, all dogs want to come to you, right? The problem with training your dog to COME is that owners don’t use it often enough in daily interactions. Your dog WILL COME when you open the refrigerator door. The command should be reinforced by putting your dog on SIT and STAY, then changing your location, commanding COME and using your dog’s name. Praise and reward each and every desired result. A very important point to remember is to NEVER correct or discipline your dog for responding to the COME command. The reality is that when you most need your dog to respond to VEN is when his safety is at risk. Your dog has run off and could be in danger from traffic on the street. VEN return your dog to the safety of your home. Your fear response will instinctively make you want to correct your dog for running away. Stay consistent with your training, praise and reward your dog.

This is a very brief overview of training techniques and sequences to use while training your dog on the fundamental commands. Repetition will be required several times during training. Increasing distance and duration, as well as introducing distractions, will also require repetition. It will take time and patience to train these commands. I think you’ll find that if you start training your dog with these fundamental commands, you’ll find that more technical training will be easier for both you and your dog.

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