admin Posted on 9:11 am

Window Tint Laws in North Carolina

Many of us enthusiasts enjoy both the style and practical benefits of tinting our vehicle windows or other auto glass, however, the state of North Carolina has its restrictions on how far we can go. Preferences for window tinting vary widely, but officially we can only do so much within the bounds of the law, while more extreme ideas remain on the cutting room floor, so to speak.

North Carolina Safety Inspection stations will charge an additional fee to check a vehicle with aftermarket tint applied to its windows. All vehicle windows with aftermarket tinted window film applications should be checked with a light meter during inspection to determine if visible light transmission is within acceptable limits.

Windows must be no darker than 35% Visible Light Transmission (VLT), making North Carolina one of the most lenient states in this area, with some others requiring 50-70% VLT. VLT. Additionally, the standard is considered to be met if the window tint is no less than 32% visible light transmission when measured with a light meter. Windshield tinting is acceptable as long as the combination of factory and aftermarket tint is a minimum of 32% visible light transmission.

Windshield guidelines apply to all vehicles without exception, however, certain exceptions for all other vehicle windows may apply to specific vehicle types, including tour passenger vehicles, rental vehicles, child care vehicles , motorcycles, mopeds, school buses, motor homes. , limousines and some others, including emergency vehicles like ambulances.

There are also medical exceptions to these rules in some cases, for example, people who have a condition that causes abnormal photosensitivity. To obtain such an exception, a permit must be obtained through the Driver Medical Evaluation Program with medical evaluation forms completed and submitted by your doctor to DMV. Medical permits like these are valid for 5 years unless DMEP states a shorter time. To renew said permit once it has expired, the person must be medically recertified to determine if the medical condition still exists.

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