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What is Executive Search and Recruitment?

Executive Search and Recruitment

Executive search and recruitment is a process that helps businesses hire the right people for the job. It is not only a cost-effective way of hiring the best talent, but it also reduces the risk of a bad hire. The right person can really make a difference to a company, and a poorly selected candidate can have long-lasting ramifications.

Executive search and recruitment

Unlike traditional recruitment, executive search takes a more holistic approach. Instead of focusing on attracting a large number of candidates, executive search firms look for highly qualified individuals who possess specific skills and experience. They conduct extensive research on potential candidates, and are adept at narrowing down a large pool to just a handful of viable candidates.

Often referred to as headhunting, executive search and recruitment is a sophisticated, resource-intensive process. In order to be successful, headhunters must build a network of contacts and constantly seek out new relationships. Once a relationship is established, the recruiter will use it to help find the perfect candidate. For example, if the search is for a senior manager, the recruiter may use social networks, like Facebook and LinkedIn, to connect with qualified professionals.

What is Executive Search and Recruitment?

When a business needs to replace a key employee, it can affect profitability. Losing a valuable team member can deter other team members and diminish confidence in the workplace. A replacement must be discreet, and professional executive search companies are particularly careful to follow protocol.

Top talent acquisition services

An executive search company works closely with clients to identify and evaluate the best candidates. They will work with the hiring firm to develop a list of qualified candidates, and then interview the top performers to determine their suitability. These interviews are usually conducted face-to-face or via video conference. During the interview, the recruiter will discuss the job requirements, the hiring company’s culture, and the strengths and weaknesses of each candidate.

Most executive search and recruitment firms use online tools to build a large database of qualified candidates. This database is then screened to ensure the best match. Typically, the firm will follow a project plan. Depending on the position and the firm’s resources, it can take weeks or even months to complete the search.

Leadership consulting and development

An executive search and recruitment firm’s fees are a little different than other recruitment methods. Generally, they charge an upfront fee for the job, and then a third when the candidate is hired. However, these companies can be especially useful if the candidate is a strategic hire, or the right fit for a particular project.

The most effective executive search and recruitment processes involve a proactive multi-channel approach. These include the use of internet-based platforms and tools to build a database, along with social networking sites. Recruiters often perform background checks and reference checks. Ultimately, the most important step is proper assessment of the candidate.

Whether the search is for a senior manager, a manager, or a non-executive, executive search and recruitment can help you find the perfect hire. By identifying and engaging with the right candidate, your business can improve its competitive edge.

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