admin Posted on 2:41 am

"The mark that 50" by Tom Peters

Summary of the book, “The Brand You 50” by Tom Peters

Tom Peters’s “The Brand You 50” was a quick read, but the excessive use of exclamations !!!!!!, bold, ALL CAPS, font changes and hyphens was tedious and somewhat youthful.

Once I got over that it was a solid read that gave me some fresh ideas. I recommend this book to the person who is realizing that it is not just about what you know, but WHO you know and WHAT they know about you. I chose the most relevant pieces by identifying what I wanted to remember (which I added to my learning journal) and what actions I wanted to take. Both are described below.

Why I selected this book:

For the life of me, I can’t understand where I got the information to read this book, I think I read somewhere that this was a personal brand classic. I remember buying it used for 99 cents on Amazon.

Was “The Brand You 50” useful?

Yes. It helped me think about what was most important at work and I do it and try to eliminate the non-essentials. It also helped me think about “who am I” and “why do I want to be known.” As this requires quite a bit of introspection, I don’t have the results yet, but the mind is working in that direction.

What will you do as a result of reading “The Brand You 50”?

Take a personal brand equity assessment:

Define: What are the 2 or 4 things that I am known for?

Define: Next year, I’ll be known for these 2 or 4 extra things

Start building a personal brand value statement (brand priorities)

* Start with skills, attitude and character.

* Develop a quarter page ad.

* Synthesize up to an eight word positioning statement

* Make sure the calendar reflects 1, 2 or 3 of these priorities each day

* Perform an after-action review (AAR) each night, did you focus the day on one of the three priorities of the brand?

Look at the “to do” list, do you have any off-brand topics? Can you 1. Kill it, 2. “Wow” 3, put it off Ask, it’s not branded, stop! Focus 100% on branding work

Develop a contact list and manage it to the fullest! Last contact, next contact, score each contact (contact, neglect, etc.)

Invite the project killer to lunch Develop a visibility plan

Build a formal word of mouth marketing campaign (see Read: Regis McKenna’s “Relationship Marketing”)

What did I add to my learning journal after reading “The Brand You 50”?

Reread “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie

Read: “Radical Honesty” by Brad Blanton

Read: “Relationship Marketing” by Regis McKenna

Try 1 really different thing every month

Go to the bookstore and browse 20 magazines you don’t normally read.

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