admin Posted on 7:37 am

The best probiotic supplement does not contain probiotics!

If you’re like me, you know that the best probiotic supplement can be difficult. Every company that makes such supplements will tell you that their product is better for one reason or another. Did you know that the best supplement for probiotics has no probiotics in it? Here are some facts about probiotics and prebiotics that can help you compare these supplements.

Probiotics are strains of beneficial bacteria that normally inhabit the digestive system. Most supplements on the market today contain a strain of lactobacillus or bifidobacteria. There are some products on the market that contain multiple strains. To date, there is no scientific evidence that consuming multiple strains is beneficial, although many companies believe it makes sense.

There are hundreds of different species of bacteria that inhabit the intestine. There is really no way to determine which ones are the most beneficial or even which ones are missing. Weeds of all strains are likely to be a problem.

Causes of bacterial overgrowth in the gut include taking antibiotics and exposure to other antibacterial agents. An even more common cause is a lack of insoluble fiber in the diet.

Prebiotics are insoluble fiber that humans cannot digest, but they promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. This has been seen in many scientific studies. Even the best probiotic supplement cannot replace the benefits of dietary fiber and the prebiotics that fiber contains. The increase in beneficial bacteria is temporary, if any, but an increase in prebiotics provides long-term benefit, as it is the prebiotics that provide food for the beneficial bacteria in the gut.

For probiotics to be beneficial, they must be alive and active. Supplements often contain freeze-dried powdered bacteria that may or may not become activated once consumed. Prebiotic supplements can be found that will allow your odds to grow and thrive.

Research has confirmed that only a small percentage of the bacteria present in supplements actually take up residence in the digestive tract. A large percentage is excreted along with solid waste. Another large percentage never make it through their stomach’s digestive process to get where they need to go.

To help consumers choose the best probiotic supplement or decide whether to take one, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has evaluated and rejected more than 250 claims made by supplement manufacturers. For example, EFSA has determined that lactobacillus p, lactobacillus f, and bifidobacteria l do not reduce the number of bacteria that cause illness in the digestive system, nor do they reduce digestive problems such as gas, bloating, diarrhea, or constipation.

In most cases, the claims have been rejected simply because they are too vague. Boosting immunity is an example of a vague claim.

Overall, there is little evidence to support the benefits of even the best probiotic supplement. It would be helpful to learn more about the prebiotic supplements on the market. These have been shown to improve digestive health. To know more about them visit my website.

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