admin Posted on 7:32 am

Thank God for arts and crafts supplies and projects!

Can you imagine what the world would be like if we were all deprived of art and craft supplies? Imagine how boring summer camps would be for kids! Think of how long school lessons would be for kids if there wasn’t a break to play with arts and crafts supplies!

Fortunately, we do not live in such a world. If we did, it wouldn’t just be children who would suffer. Adults would surely suffer too. What would we do if someone took away all our acrylic paints, oil paints, leather craft supplies, wood supplies, and other craft supplies? For my part, I would cry.

In a sense, I grew up in a world that lacked art and craft supplies. How is that? Well, in a nutshell, my parents thought “art” was a waste of time. They preferred that all my free time be devoted to reading and learning. In fact, they were so into this idea that they decided to homeschool me!

As a homeschooled kid without access to crayons and other craft supplies, I feel like I really missed out on something great. I didn’t get a chance to try my artistic skills until I was a teenager! Let me first say that my first arts and crafts projects were not pretty. With that said, let me tell you that from the first moment I held a brush in my hand, I was hooked.

I love art! I love crafts! I can’t think of a better way to spend my time than to grab some brushes and some acrylic paint or oil paint and go for it. I love painting! Of course, I also love paper craft supplies, wood craft supplies, and leather craft supplies. Bottom line, I just can’t get enough of it.

My parents would roll over in their graves if they saw my closet full of arts and crafts supplies! Of course, to their credit, I still love learning and reading and all those other things that they considered “important.” However, I feel like I missed out on an important part of childhood by not being able to practice the art of art.

I believe that it is very important that all children receive a well-rounded education; This means that they should be surrounded not only by books, but also by craft supplies, sporting goods, music, and the like. Children must have the opportunity to be creative.

Of course, I think the same goes for adults. Adults should definitely surround themselves with scrapbooking supplies, leather craft supplies, paper craft supplies, and other craft supplies. It’s amazing how relaxing it can be to work on a craft project after a long day at work. It’s also good to use a different part of the brain for a change.

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