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make divine love

Have you read or heard about the controversy surrounding the story of whether Jesus and Mary Magdalene were a couple or were they really married? There are several books that dodge this issue, including the latest bestseller, The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. Let us suppose for a moment that this were actually true. After all, Jesus was in human form and embodied the principles of Divine Love or, in other words, he was a being of love. So how would a being of love make physical love? If the eternal nature of love is to keep on giving of itself, then would it be safe to say that a Divine being WOULD GIVE love through the sensations of the body’s pure sexuality when making physical love?

What is the pure sexuality of the body? In essence, the body is a universe unto itself. Each internal and external organ works in harmony with each other to ensure the survival of the system. The intelligence that governs the body occurs naturally and does not require you to think. For example: Do you have to tell your heart to beat? Of course not. Pure Sexuality is the innocent knowledge of love in the body. The magnetic power of pure sexuality attracts the Divine in another to give all the qualities of Love. This knowledge or intelligence directs the entire body during the realization of love through the sensations of the body.

This is also known as making love with the Divine in you and your partner. This is how a spiritual being of love makes physical love. When two partners come together with the conscious intention to make Divine physical love, no thought is necessary and the love between the partners is amplified as their vibrations are raised.

How does our thinking interfere when we make love? Thoughts get in the way when certain demands or expectations are placed on the encounter, instead of each partner being in the moment experiencing the beautiful sensations that naturally occur. Thoughts also get in the way when they are allowed to go to other places, people, or events from the past or future imaginations during the love relationship. When this occurs, we lose connection with the pure sexuality of the body or the Divine.

Everyone has experienced Divine lovemaking at some point or another. These are the sensational moments in which we meet without thinking in between. We experience the great passion and connection with our partner through the sensations of the bodies. When lovemaking ends, we produce the vibration of well-being and serenity that is recognizable in the presence of others. We remember these times fondly and may wish to repeat them, but they cannot be recreated by thinking about them.

You cannot make Divine physical love wanting to recreate the past because your thoughts are in the way. Divine physical lovemaking requires that you be the love that you are in this moment and give from that place without expectations or demands. If Jesus and Mary made physical love, we believe they would have done so.

What do you think would happen if more people practiced making love this way? Practicing Divine love can heal and restore an existing relationship or build a powerful foundation in a new relationship. This may be what it takes to end the disharmony, pain, and unhappiness that so many suffer from today.

Man and woman have forgotten how to naturally engage the pure sexuality of the body to make Divine physical love. This ancient knowledge has been buried under the mounds of self-absorption and self-righteousness that humanity has been practicing for thousands of years. Giving up these behaviors is the key to freedom and the greatest challenge to make the path to Divine love.

When pure sexuality is present, making love between a man and a woman releases energies that are stored in the bodies creating a space for LOVE to expand, which increases the vibratory rates of each person. Making love then becomes an opportunity to grow the knowledge of love and restore harmony. This occurs through the release of the finer energies that are exchanged through the love organs during the making of love. This is truly a great miracle and women can especially benefit from these releases as they tend to store more emotions in their bodies than men. . This can also be transformative and restore the man and woman to their true nature or being the love that they are.

Practicing Divine lovemaking is as natural as breathing once we get our thoughts out of the way. The effort lies in the great dismantling that must occur to allow the Authority of love to command our lives. We can return to this beautiful state of being by practicing honest communication and making our intentions pure with our partners. The Authority of Love is always present and available to us at all times. When we consciously choose to align with this presence, we begin to experience more Divine love in our lives. Is there anyone on earth who wouldn’t benefit from having more love in their life?

Those who choose to consciously practice divine love can experience a transformation that benefits all of their relationships through the realization of something greater than themselves. This is the amazing power of the Authority of Love that lives within each of us.

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