admin Posted on 8:27 pm

Is your money model making you richer or poorer?

We all have a money model. We are born with one. People’s money habits tend to be a lot like their parents and their parents before them. The problem is that as Bob Proctor said:

“97% of all people live and die without learning how to earn money. Their consciousness of poverty is passed down from generation to generation.”

I hear you ask “97%?” And the answer is yes. Look at it another way: 3% of the world’s population controls 97% of its wealth.

However, our model of money also develops as a consequence of the interaction we have with our environment. The things we hear, see, touch and smell that have money associations, especially when we are growing up and when we are more impressionable, will have a lasting impact on us. The influence that our upbringing has on us is profound and at the same time it can be quite subtle as if you lack awareness you may not understand how your money model is actually developing your money model and making you richer or more poor.

Your inner world creates your outer world. So, to see if you have a wealth or poverty consciousness, you just have to look at your:

1. Physical health,

2. Bank account, and

3. Social life.

Money cannot stay with a person who is aware of poverty and vice versa. I was listening to a conference call the other day and the subject of lottery winners came up. It is a well known phenomenon that many lottery winners soon lose all their money and sometimes end up poorer than before their windfall. They often lament that winning the lottery actually ruined their lives. One of the speakers said:

“They made a million dollars but they weren’t millionaires.”

How true! And here’s the paradox: You first have to be a millionaire in your mind before you can hold onto a million dollars. You have to develop a millionaire mindset if you want to become a millionaire or a billionaire mindset if you want to become a billionaire!

So what does your health, your bank statements, and your social life say about your financial mindset?

Imagine that you were preparing to build your dream home. You hire an architect who presents you with a set of plans. Unfortunately, the plans are not at all what you had in mind. Would you go ahead and build the house anyway in the hope that somehow the builders could miraculously follow these blueprints and still find your ideal home?

Of course not! Until you change those architectural plans to make them consistent with your image of your ideal home, you will never be able to build your ideal home. Similarly, until you change your money model, the level of income you earn will not change significantly.

So if your financial mindset is set for you to make $100,000 per year and you are a commissioned salesperson, then on average that is what you will make. He may have a few months where he far exceeds your average income, but his money model will assert itself so that he ends up earning $100,000. If he earns a salary instead of a commission, unless you change his wealth mindset, he’s unlikely to consider doing a job that pays $150,000, even though that job might be within his capabilities.

Many years ago, Bob Proctor was giving a seminar to a group of insurance agents. He suggested that any one of them could write $5 million worth of business in a year. They thought he was crazy and that he certainly didn’t know anything about the insurance business.

During one of the seminar breaks, an agent, Dan Slovan, challenged Proctor and said that there were 20,000 agents in the company and that in 100 years no one had ever written $5 million worth of deals. Proctor said quietly:

“Well, then you can be the first.”

Slovan looked at Proctor in disbelief and was far from finished with his objections. Proctor had told them they could do it in a year, so Slovan reminded him that it was now August.

“Well, then it won’t take you that long to do it. Don, if you can see yourself as a $5 million producer and get emotionally involved with that idea. You hand it over to your subconscious mind, I guarantee you that you will act accordingly.” different and what you will attract to you will be very different.

Well, something Proctor said resonated with Slovan. He closed out the year with just over $6 million in business and guess what? When he crossed that imaginary limit there were a number of fellow salesmen who followed him. Income goals they thought were attainable had changed forever in the minds of these salespeople. His money model had been updated – permanently.

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