admin Posted on 4:46 pm

Great Bodybuilding Tips For Slim Guys

Here are some bodybuilding principles to keep you on track for fat loss. Follow these principles to choose what foods to eat or avoid.

1. The most essential bodybuilding principle for losing fat is consuming fewer calories than you burn on a daily basis. It all comes down to calories in versus calories out. You will surely lose weight if you eat fewer calories than you burn in a day. Take more calories and you will gain weight.

2. The correct ratio of macronutrients: 40% of calories from carbohydrates, 40% from protein and 20% from good fats. Eating this way will help you lose fat and retain your muscle mass. Eating less fat makes your body burn fat for energy. That makes the weight loss come from fat that is used for energy. Avoid processed foods in the form of prepackaged meals because manufacturers often add fat and a large amount of sodium and corn syrups for flavor.

3. Go to the gym

You need to do two types of weight loss training:

– Weight exercises

People can lose weight just by doing aerobic exercises, why should I exercise with weights? It is the best way to sculpt your body. More muscle mass means a higher metabolism, leading to burning more calories.

– Aerobic exercises

Remember to exercise in the fat burning zone. Your body burns fat when your heart rate is around 75% of your maximum heart rate. Your maximum heart rate is 220 minus your age.

Maximum heart rate = 220 – Age

Heart rate to burn fat = 75% x (220 – Age)

Aerobic exercise not only burns calories, it also increases your cardiovascular efficiency, increasing your endurance during training. Remember not to substitute weight training for aerobic exercise.

Following the proper fat loss diet, weight training, and aerobic exercise is the best way to lose fat. Not only will you burn calories through both types of exercises, but you will also increase muscle mass, which leads to increased metabolism. Increasing muscle mass and lowering your body fat level is the only way to look well-defined.

Lift weights three times a week and do some cardio every other day. Thirty to forty-five minutes of weight training (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) is enough for beginners. Every other day, put some cardio training in your schedule. Running, biking, or swimming for 30 to 45 minutes is more than enough. Monitor your fat loss using a scale and tape measure. A simple example to track your progress: if your waist gets smaller while your chest gets bigger, you are on the right track.

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