admin Posted on 8:32 pm

Creativity: imagination needs to play

Imagine your creativity as a little child

Imagine a playful, fun-loving little boy of four or five. Can you imagine a child who does not play? A child would not be a child if he did not play. His creativity is the same way. Your imagination needs to play. How is it working for you? Are you giving him enough playing time?

Create art for the sake of art

When we were children we played. We were happy, we pleased ourselves. Creativity was natural and flowed easily. Your creativity is no different. We need to treat our imagination like a child. We have to give him enough playing time.

As adults, we put pressure on our talents, worrying about the value of the dollar and the will. We demand of ourselves to produce again and again and again. Create your art and don’t worry about who will like it. Most likely they will like it; if they liked your work before, they will like it again. Worrying about what others will think will only stifle your creativity. When you’re working in your studio, create art for art’s sake.

turn it into a game

Every child loves a game. I was recently at a family gathering, where my niece was trying to get her little daughter to pick up her toys, in anticipation of going home. The young man was neither cooperative nor enthusiastic. Feeling in the mood for fun, I jumped in and offered the boy an invitation to play a great game. His frown immediately turned into a smile. My game was to throw the toys into the basket and see if we could get them in. As a four year old, this was challenging. After the first successful pitch from him, with much encouragement, he was sold on my game. In less than ten minutes, the job was done and we had a fun time.

Your creativity is no different. I try to make everything I do a game, not for any little kid, but for me! Your imagination is a child ready and willing to play. Whatever you face, turn it into a game. It can be a challenge at first, but once you work at it for a while, it gets easier. Your little one, your creativity will be much more willing to cooperate if it is a fun game.

So, imagine your creativity as a little child, a child who loves to play. Convert any project before going into a game. Find a way to make it fun. You can do it! And your imagination will love you for it.

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