admin Posted on 10:47 am

Boost brain power and boost memory function

Here’s a bold and open question… have you ever felt brain dead? Like you’re getting through the day and then you realize… “Damn, what did I have for breakfast this morning?” Or how about this popular “Where the heck did I leave my keys?”

Well, if so, then I have no idea what you’re going through. But, with my infinite knowledge, I’m here to give you some amazing tips to sharpen your brain! Some people will really need to pay attention to this article… so they don’t forget it when they get to the end.

You see, what most people forget is that your brain needs to undergo training just like the rest of your muscles, otherwise it will lose its effectiveness. This has been proven time and time again, so today I’m going to show you some tips that will make you think more clearly, effectively, and logically… All while improving your memory function to boost your performance. Sounds like an upgrade to a PC.

>> Tip 1: internal dialogue and vocal projection

This is for those of you who always lose keys or remote control or other random junk. It’s a simple exercise, but it should be done for a few weeks at a time until it becomes a habit. Here’s what to do next time you put away something important (say, keys)… Verbally talk about the location. E.g. “I’m putting the keys on the bookshelf by the front door”

It has to be specific!

Speaking out loud puts the information in your phonological loop. This means that the last sentence you said usually bounces back and forth in your head, so it will be on the tip of your tongue. This also increases your chances of remembering. It’s like when you’re talking to a punk kid… and then you realize he’s not listening to you. What do you say? “HEY! Are you listening to what I’m saying?”

Then they say “yes…” and repeat the last 5 words you said. But it makes you angry because you KNOW they weren’t listening. Yeah… That’s the loop that works, baby! Let’s use it to our advantage this time.

>> Tip 2: Remember the times when…

Maybe you don’t have a problem finding your keys, but rather lose track of time quite easily. So, for example, let’s say you put away those keys and remember where they are, but you don’t remember WHEN you put them away. What you need to do is to consciously observe your surroundings while doing the task of putting something away. So watch the weather outside, watch what you’re wearing, watch the smells, etc.

>> Tip 3: Puzzles and games

Some people like puzzles and some don’t. If you don’t… Find some games that are linked to puzzles. I don’t care if they’re video games or board games, as long as they require you to use your head, you’ll go far. Doing puzzles is like putting your head through intense training… If you stop doing it, you’ll go soft. Personally, I’m a champion at Tetris, Checkers & Connect 4, and as far as puzzle “video games” go, these are my top picks:

Mercury Fusion (PSP)

Exit (PSP)

Bejeweled (cross-platform)

LocoRoco (PSP)

Lumines 2 (PSP)

Brain age (SD)

I love these for the simple fact that they are on portable platforms. And because I’m a busy guy and I don’t have time to sit on a couch and play puzzle games. Although you could.

>> Tip 4: Fitness

As if this wasn’t obvious. Studies show that staying physically fit actually helps you expand your brain’s memory while keeping you more alert. The reason? Simple… When you exercise you take in massive amounts of oxygen, and oxygen = good for the brain. If you need help with some effective exercises, I’ve linked a resource for you at the end of the article.

>> Tip 5: Visualization

Many competitive athletes use visualization techniques not only to help them prepare for the task at hand, but also to IMPROVE their performance. Studies show that when you actually visualize a physical skill, the same muscle fibers are activated as if you were actually performing the skill.

The reason? When you’re so focused with your eyes closed, you practically convince your brain that what you’re visualizing is actually real… it can’t tell the difference. So why don’t others use it? Who said viewing was only for sports? Try using it in your daily activities and see what happens.

>> Tip 6: Meditation

I hesitate to mention that word because people instantly think that they need to be half naked and sit under a huge waterfall under the mountains. NO! Don’t make fruity stuff out of it… But effective meditation techniques clear your mind and relieve stress, which in turn allows you to perform mental tasks more efficiently.

This is what I do. I sit in a calm environment and make sure I am well seated and comfortable. Then I close my eyes and focus on one thing and one thing only… my breath. I don’t think about anything else, I just focus on the oxygen going into my lungs and how amazing and refreshing it feels. Try it… don’t think about anything. In today’s crazy world, it’s really harder than you think!

So there you have it, 6 tips that will keep you relatively smart. Another thing to keep in mind is that nutrition plays a key role. Eat your greens while enjoying consistent, balanced meals throughout the day. Those are the basics that will keep you going. If you want to learn more about physical training and the nutritional aspect of health, check out this workbook mini-course. And no… I’m not telling you to take massive amounts of “Ginko Biloba”.


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