admin Posted on 4:47 am

bed bug scare

Bed bugs are copper-colored, blood-sucking insects that do not have wings. They are mostly active at night. They are freeloaders; They feed on the blood of other beings. These insects infest bedding and furniture in homes and even the nests of animals. The body heat of humans attracts them, and they prefer to eat our blood rather than other mammals. They pierce the skin with their proboscis and inject saliva into the skin. They do not use more than ten minutes to feed. As soon as they fill with blood, their color changes from copper to a rusty red.

They are even capable of surviving without food or water for several months in total.
Insect bites appear to be small red bumps or welts on the host’s skin. The bumps tend to turn into rashes as the host eats desperately. However, these rashes can be treated by seeing a doctor as soon as possible.

Getting rid of errors is another difficult task. One should do their best to prevent them. You can usually find these pests hiding somewhere in small gaps and cracks in the wall, on the floor, etc. Bedding and mattresses are their favorite hiding places, where they can easily get what they want (namely your blood). Aside from cracks, bed bugs prefer to stay in:
• Between wooden floors
• Carpet blankets
• Edges and scars found on furniture and accessories, etc.

If prevention fails, then bed bug treatment is required. My advice here would be, kill the bed bugs before they kill you (or rather come after you with bites)!

Bed bug rash is sometimes confused with the bite of mosquitoes, mites, spiders, ants, wasps, cockroaches, flies, etc. Let’s distinguish a few: Only female mosquitoes survive on blood. Bed mites are also known as dust mites and tend to hide in mattresses and bedding. They live on the dead skin cells of humans and animals. While fleas are dark colored wingless insects that survive on the blood of humans, animals and birds as well. Flea bites are bumps with a red area in the center of the bite. Where the chiggers bite is an immense torture for the victim due to the extreme itching and so on…
So, don’t sit back and watch pests multiply in your sweet home, do something to save yourself from the BED TERROR!

star of the century

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