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Aicok slow juicer: an excellent option for a healthy life

What is a cold press juicer? What is a rapid juicer? What is a masticating juicer? Confused and clueless? Don’t worry. In this report, you will get a clearer idea of ​​these terms and also learn what makes the Aicok slow juicer such a popular favorite.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you already know that juicing is a health trend that has been advancing with advanced machines and technologies to help extract maximum juice from fruits and vegetables.

A juicer will literally turn your fresh produce into liquid form with the skin, pulp, and fiber crushed and squeezed to extract all the good stuff from it.

A masticating juicer is very quiet while juicing as the noise level is less than 60dB. At that level of noise, even sleeping babies won’t be affected. The reverse operation button will help unravel the juicer.

It also helps to clean it as you can use water to remove clogged products. Almost all parts except the mesh screen are dishwasher safe. It is easy to assemble, disassemble and operate for juicing since the number of parts is small.

Cleaning a masticating juicer is easy and simple, as most parts are dishwasher safe. A special brush is usually available and helps to clean the mesh screen with ease.

The beauty of the Aicok slow juicer is that it is suitable for almost everyone: beginners, hobbyists or expert juicers. When you are juicing for the whole family or to store juice for a couple of days, this is a very simple and easy to use machine for making large amounts of juice.

The rapid juicer, on the other hand, can process large quantities of products in a short time, since the preparation time is very short and the juicing is fast.

Easy to use:

A juicer should be easy to assemble and use and not too heavy to move. The essential functions to look for are on, off, and reverse. Here are some advantages:

Drop size:

The size of the chute is important when selecting a celery juicer. The narrower and/or shorter the hopper, the smaller the product pieces should be. This affects the preparation time.

Noise level:

If you share facilities and are going to be juicing harder produce first thing in the morning, you may want a quieter juicer. If you live alone and your neighbors won’t be affected, noise levels may not matter.

Elegance and Design:

The design and color scheme of a chewable juicer help it blend in effortlessly with any décor you may have in your modern kitchen. The materials used in the manufacture of the juicer ensure that it resists corrosion or warping. It is built to last.

The safety of young children using an Aicok Slow Masticating Juicer is ensured by the small feeding tube. But one problem is that you have to spend more time to buy products that fit the small mouth of the tube.

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