admin Posted on 11:29 pm

4 Powerful Seductive Tips On How To Kiss A Girlfriend And Make Her "Perpetually" Stick to you

You can learn to kiss like any other art form. Since kissing is like foreplay to how real sex could be. The experts could tell you where the kiss leads … either it moves you and your girl in the way that you both want sex or it makes your girlfriend look at you for being a brat. You will see that there is a way to kiss a girlfriend that really turns her on and you can meet her below:

1) Lip suction

I’ll tell you about a type of kiss that I prefer to call “lip sucking.” This is the type where the woman kisses the boy’s upper lip and the boy in turn kisses the girl’s lower lip. Researchers have found that a woman’s lip is easily aroused and has a large number of sensitive nerves that excite it greatly. You can lightly bite her lower lip, nibble at the lines, or suck her mindlessly.

2) The tongue

Don’t underestimate what the tongue can do. When you kiss a girlfriend, don’t be distant. She is your girl and intimacy is very allowed. So get her hooked on kissing her with her tongue. However, you must be careful not to strangle her while kissing deeply with your tongue. Maybe she’s not very good at tongue kissing, you can still make something sweet yourself if you know how well you do it.

Pull her madly with your tongue, use your tongue to discover the warmth of her inner mouth, go deep but not too far.

Other parts of your body

You can start down her body lower than her face. Don’t just focus on her mouth and lips, she has large parts of her body that also catch your eye. These parts are:

3) his neck

For some women, their most sensitive part is the neck. A little rubbing and they’ll be on their back to you. Gently walk around her neck with the tongue of your lips, follow up with your kiss and then you can travel to the outside of her throat and give her a good kiss.

4) her breasts

A woman’s breast is another large sensitive part of her body. Kissing a girlfriend to the chest is an unforgettable experience for her. You can make this sweet for her by surrounding her breasts with little kisses from your lips and your tongue until her breasts are outlined and her nipples are hard. You can then proceed to kiss her and even suck her nipples. This turns most women on and you can supplement this with little bites and she will go totally crazy. Now travel towards her from her breasts to her navel with soft kisses and she will beg you not to stop.

The next time you and your girlfriend want to have a good time, try the techniques explained in this article and see if it is not worth it. With these techniques you can’t go wrong when kissing a girlfriend.

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