admin Posted on 6:14 am

Your 4-Step Astral Projection Guide

You’ve probably heard of people having an out-of-body experience (OBE), often when going through dire circumstances like cardiac arrest, in crisis situations, or at the height of labor.

People constantly report that their consciousness leaves their corporeal bodies, hovering above themselves, witnessing the events happening around them as an outside observer.

Did you know that you can consciously direct those experiences at will?

You may! When you know how, you can choose to leave your body and take your spirit, your consciousness, to another place.

A guide to astral projection

When you choose to travel energetically without your physical body you are practicing Astral Projection.

It is an intentional OBE that assumes the existence of a soul or consciousness, an astral body, which is separate from the physical body and is capable of traveling throughout the universe.

It is a skill that you can develop with time and effort.

Here is a short guide to help you on your journey. When you enroll in our classes, you will be able to gain a deep understanding of astral projection. This just scratches the surface…

1. Focus on your breath

Sit or lie down in the most comfortable position possible. Turn off your phone, remove all distractions. Then take a deep, controlled breath.

Inhale and exhale slowly and deliberately. With each exhalation, let your mind empty of all thoughts beyond the sensation of breathing.

You will notice that your body falls asleep, you will experience a feeling of disconnection. this is natural. Your spirit is being released from its corporeal body. Keep your focus… don’t let other thoughts enter your mind.

After a while, you will experience a sensation like a heavy wave, or a blanket, rolling over your body. You might even lose awareness of your physical body.

Don’t panic or get excited…and don’t fight it.

2. Enter the vibrational stage

At this time, you will begin to shift your consciousness to a different vibrational frequency – your Astral Projection is beginning.

If you’ve never done this before, this transition can be a bit disorienting. This is how the next moments of your journey will unfold.

  • You will feel your body begin to vibrate and glow.
  • Do not panic! This is a natural reaction to your transition.
  • Stay focused, block out distractions or feelings of fear.
  • Let the vibrations pass through you, like a warm blanket on a cold night.
  • Do not move your physical body, however tempting it may be.
  • Don’t try to think of anything beyond your breath and your journey.

Once this has settled and you are in the vibration stage, you can begin to exercise your willpower. There are several ways to do this, so it’s up to you to find the way that works best for you.

3. Visualize yourself moving… without physically moving.

This is the point in your Astral Projection guide where you have to take a leap of faith. You need to rise to your new state of relaxed energy outside of your physical body.

It will not be easy.

Here are some exercises you can do to experience this next state of being…

  • Imagine your hand expanding and contracting without actually moving it. Concentrate on the sensation until you can almost see or feel the movement of your hand.
  • Imagine your hand moving up slowly.
  • Imagine a bar or rope above or in front of you and visualize reaching out to grab it with your mind.
  • Engage your willpower to push or lift your physical body.

4. Get up from your body

Your mind will fight this…so don’t be alarmed or discouraged if it returns to your physical body.

There is no limit to the number of times you can step out of your physical self and explore the universe as a spirit. However, it is healthy to maintain a balance between the physical world and the astral world.

During your first explorations, try looking at familiar things in your home from a different angle. Read the spine of a book on your shelf, and when you return to your body, check to see if your mind saw the same thing when you separated from your physical container.

When you’re ready to return to your body, just ‘think about it’… your physical and spiritual selves are under your control at all times, despite Hollywood movies that would have you think otherwise!

Your spirit and your physical body are connected by a silver cord. No one can break that bond… you are free to explore knowing that you can always return to the physical world.

Following this Astral Projection guide requires focus and commitment.

It is not easy to explore your Astral being. But, if he wants to be an effective animal communicator, the ability to travel to other places in his mind will help him understand the animals he is trying to help.

Imagine if you could travel to the paddock of a frustrated dressage horse and enjoy his surroundings, without directly interfering with his world.

It is possible to tap into your Astral being to explore other realms and gain a greater understanding of animal behavior.

You can try to master Astral Projection on your own, or you can join one of our classes and explore the full range of abilities you could possess that allow you to communicate with animals.

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