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weight loss tips

In your effort to lose weight, make choices that you can stick with for the long haul. Here are some tips.

To walk

How much do you walk daily? A good way to measure this would be to invest in a step counter, which keeps track of how many steps you take in a day. If you’re looking to lose weight but haven’t been able to, chances are you’re inconsistent with your weight loss program. Maybe you like it too much too soon. Or maybe you try to diet, but give up after a short time. Instead, if you find you can’t exercise regularly due to lack of time or motivation, try to get more steps in a day. If you take about 5,000 steps in an average day, to see some health benefits, try doubling this count to at least ten or eleven thousand a day. This should be easily achievable if you just try to walk a little more each day, whenever you get the chance.

You have a dog? Instead of sending your children or helping to walk the dog every day, try walking the dog yourself, at least once a day. Walking your pet can not only be very relaxing, depending of course on the type of pet and breed you have, but it also increases the number of steps you take in a day.

Instead of asking someone to put a water bottle and glass at your workstation every hour or two, get up and walk to the pantry to fill up on water. This stretches your legs a bit and gets the blood circulating, and while it may feel like you hardly get any exercise, doing this for an extended period of time increases your walking time. This is so easy it would be a shame if you did NOT do it!


If you are overweight, try to reduce the number of calories you eat each day a little. Have one and a half tablespoons of sugar in your cup of tea instead of two. Over a period of time you can further reduce this to a spoonful.


Switch to skim or 1% milk. Milk is something you drink every day, and even if you just have a cup of tea and don’t worry about the fat in the milk, it all adds up over time. Also, if you are concerned about lowering your cholesterol intake, drink low-fat milk.


If you eat toast every day, stop buttering it or put less butter on it than you normally would. Dip toast in your tea to help it go down, or make a tasty sandwich with egg whites, or onions, tomatoes, cucumber, potatoes, etc. so you don’t feel the lack of butter. Save fat consumption for when you really want to treat yourself! So when you eat a chocolate cake, you’ll only be replacing the fat you avoided by leaving out the butter, rather than adding it.


Mira, 35, drinks a small cup of hot water with lemon juice (hot nimbu pani) without sugar every day after dinner. She uses it has helped her lose weight. Citrus fruits are a natural diuretic and prevent water retention. Mixing it with hot water helps her drink it easily, since she doesn’t add any sweetener.

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