admin Posted on 7:40 am

Use meditation to add, not take away

By observing emotions, you can treat them the same way you treat thoughts. You can accept them, dissociate yourself from them or let them go.

But what if you don’t want to leave old emotions behind? What if you want to add something new?

Something better?

Mindfulness meditation is great for clearing out the junk in your mind. Oddly enough, it is a tool of destruction. Clear the way for other things to flourish.

However, there is a creation tool within meditation.

Something powerful enough to block the garbage in the first place.

People who master this technique are… different. I’m not one of them (still, working on it), but you can see them from across the room. They are intense, in a warm and loving way. When they speak, each word seems charged with wisdom and benign energy.

Did I mention I’m still working on this. That’s because I can get to this state, but I still have to turn it on. And that’s not easy for me (yet…)

But when this is on…

Everything looks different.

Everything becomes better.

It’s like looking at the world as it should be and seeing a way to make it happen.

You can reach this state through meditation.

But not through mindful meditation.

This requires metta meditation, also known as loving-kindness.

Metta meditation trains you to see everyone the same way you see the people you love. This sounds simple because it is. However, it is not easy, as it goes against a very human instinct. Our ancestors had to be very good at separating friend from foe.

This instinct will likely keep you alive if you live in competing tribes. In a civilization, it keeps you trapped.

Yes, there are people who want to hurt you. Yes, there are thieves and worse lurking in the mean streets of this world.

You can love them anyway. After all, it must be terrible for them to see the world this way. I wonder how many of them could be redeemed by a single drop of loving-kindness.

If you hate or dismiss these people, it does little but a lot to you. Hate, as the quote says, is like drinking poison and expecting the other to die. So save your anger. Do it for yourself, if not for them.

If you see this as a weakness, then you don’t understand it. This is the maximum force. To love strangers and enemies as you love your friends requires a mind of iron. Developing this makes you impervious to anything they say or do.

Everyone has little dramas in their life. If you want to transcend this, now you know how.

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