admin Posted on 10:57 am

Unsurprisingly, women are taking the medical field by storm numerically

There has recently been a change in the medical field that will alter the shape and face of healthcare for years to come. In the United States, women are embarking on careers in the medical field in remarkable numbers. The percentage of men and women applying for places in medical school has been almost equal in recent years. Lately, however, the number of women applying to medical school has increased dramatically.

Since the feminist movement took place, the vision of what women should do to earn a living has changed a lot. In fact, other careers, such as law and engineering, are also seeing more women enter the arena than ever before. The fire lit by the feminist movement was not only under women. Society as a whole has been asked to think and behave differently. Medical schools are expected to give places to more women. Anti-discrimination laws have also opened up many traditionally male areas of study, although enforcement of the laws often takes many years and can sometimes be spotty.

You will not find any recent data available on the dropout rate among female medical school students. While more women than men dropped out of school in previous years, these women did not drop out for academic reasons. Women currently in the medical field assume that the dropout rate is probably equal these days between men and women because their numbers have gone from being a minority to being a much larger minority than they were. Because more women have entered the medical field, many of the old traditions that were discriminatory have disappeared.

A good example? There is the teacher who opened his class by telling a joke. He felt it was friendly to tell a little icebreaker. The joke was – which of these three things does not belong; woman, sex, an egg or a rug, and he replied: “Sex, because you can’t with sex”. Even though this joke is pretty tame compared to some of the stuff these women hear every day, it doesn’t help to think of women as equal to men. These practices and pranks may soon come to an end as women start to stand up and show that they are capable of it.

Ladies are not only dealing with rude humor from men, there are also other things that don’t make sense like the case of the female student who was not allowed to participate in a physical examination of a male patient because he would be naked and she would be able to see his genitals. But in another room not far away, the woman’s husband was allowed to perform an examination on a woman. There was also the matter of the intake interview where a woman was always asked about her career prospects, as well as about marriage and starting a family, while these questions were never asked of men. Additional problems include the fact that there are too few women on medical school colleges and admissions committees, as well as the common belief that women are less likely to practice once they graduate, which has prevented that many women enter specialized fields. especially the surgical areas.

One of the most common questions in an intake interview was about whether a woman would choose marriage or a career, and she denies whether this particular question led to her being denied access to medical school. They believe that some male interviewers will use the woman’s response against them, regardless of her answer. For example, if a student says that if she had children, someone would take care of them while she worked, the interviewer would suggest that she stay home and have babies. If she says that she is going to raise her children, the interviewer will argue that the candidate does not have the necessary commitment.

In more and more interview sessions, it became clear that the perception is that female doctors are not as objective as male doctors. From time to time, this perception has been exposed as just another stereotype. A woman who was in her second year of medical school indicated that she had witnessed several ruthless women and some emotionally charged men, yet the opposite was generally accepted as a component of the differences between men and women.

A dean of a prominent medical school commented that women actually bring a lot to the table in the field and that the traits you see most in women are actually positive and make them good doctors. Women are often raised to be expressive and emotional, both of which can end up being an advantage for a doctor in a medical practice. Males tend to be more aggressive, which is a trait that can work against them in medicine. But, she claims that neither feature is a given in any gender.

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