admin Posted on 7:18 am

To stop premature ejaculation, take a hot shower, not a cold one! (Let her help with this one)

So what is the best way to stop premature ejaculation? I can tell you that there are a few ways, but today I am going to share with you a technique that I used and it turned out to be quite effective. It was actually more effective when my wife participated. Here it is:

The squeeze of the hot shower

When you jump into the shower, get used to the warm water and start slowly turning up the heat. Pass the main stream over the head of your penis and start manipulating it to make it erect. Once there, pet him exposing as much of his head as possible to the hot water. This heat will be comparable to the heat inside the vagina.

You want to control your breathing and your strokes, making sure to take deep breaths along with medium speed strokes. When you recognize that you are approaching the “point of no return”, move your penis away from the water and squeeze the rim of the head with your thumb on top and the first two fingers below the rim of the head.

Once you’ve lowered your arousal level, repeat the process. You can do this as many times as you like, but for ejaculatory system training purposes I recommend 3-4 times minimum.

Let your partner in on the action

To make it as real as possible, without penetration, have your lover caress it under hot water for you. There’s something about being stroked by someone else that is so much more stimulating than doing it yourself. When he feels the urge to ejaculate, stop it and ask him to squeeze it for you. Again, she repeats as many times as you want.

This is a great technique that I have used and it works quite well. What I really liked about having my wife in the shower with me was that after the break time after the third stoking session, my wife was excited too and we had sex right there in the shower. Now that’s a great way to stop premature ejaculation!

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