admin Posted on 1:04 am

The problem of infinity

There are numerous almost incomprehensible scientific concepts that we have many, many problems understanding. There are concepts of physics like quantum mechanics; extra / hidden dimensions and theories of relativity; biological concepts such as mind / brain duality, free will, self-identity, and the nature of consciousness; there is the mathematical concept of the square roots of negative numbers; and metaphysical / philosophical questions like why is there something rather than nothing or what exactly is the nature of reality?

But one of the most mathematical / physical / theological / philosophical enigmas is the concept of infinity, or infinity. That is up for discussion in this round.

All infinities are equal, but some are more equal than others.

Basic definitions

* Nothing: Nothing is defined here as the total absence of all particles of mass and force (i.e., electrons, photons, etc.). That’s nothing.

* Infinity: Infinity means that no matter how far you go (in time or space), you can always go further. That is infinite.

Basic Premises

* Nothing can create itself.

* Out of nowhere, nothing comes.

* Only from something, something comes.

* You cannot create something from nothing.

* There are no limits or spatial / temporal walls.

* If N, then N + 1.

Infinity and Math

* When it comes to pure mathematics, we know that there are an infinite number of negative numbers; an infinite number of positive numbers; an infinite number of even numbers; an infinite number of odd numbers; an infinite number of values ​​between two consecutive whole numbers (such as between 10 and 11). We know about infinity in math, that, for example, Pi has an infinite number of places after the decimal point. We know that there are an infinite number of lines that can be drawn between two places.

But all of that is pure abstraction with little or no connection to actual existence and the practical matters and associated operations.

Infinity and Physics

* Time and space: the basic premise here is that no matter how far you go, temporally or spatially, you can go even further. In other words, if N, then N + 1.

* Matter and Energy: The basic rule here is the First Law of Thermodynamics. Matter / energy cannot be created or destroyed. The obvious implication is that therefore matter / energy has existed infinitely.

* Infinity can be unlimited or bounded. Infinity is unlimited, as in the case of two parallel lines that extend indefinitely without even meeting. Infinity can be bounded. For example, the Earth is limited because it is finite, but you can travel around it in time and space an infinite number of times.

* And even some scientists who should know better loosely toss the term “infinity” or “infinity” with rather reckless abandon, as in stating or referring to “infinite density” or “infinite temperature.” That’s silly.

Infinity and Theology

* Either there is a deity or deities or they do not exist.

* If a deity or deities really exist, then they are eternal or created by a previous deity or deities.

* If a deity or deities are eternal, eternal, they exist forever, that is equivalent to infinity.

* If a deity or deities are created, that necessarily leads to infinite regression.

* Therefore, no matter how you look at it, there is a theological infinity to grapple with, even more so when many theologies promise an eternal existence in the afterlife.

* However, an eternal existence in the afterlife would be a boring eternal hell. Unlike the Vulcan philosophy of events having infinite diversity in infinite combinations (IDIC), in reality only finite diversity is possible in finite combinations. Therefore, in an infinite / eternal afterlife, you will eventually endlessly repeat what you have already done before endlessly and repeatedly. Boring.

Infinity and Philosophy

* It is even stated that God (as a representation of some deity and the supernatural) could not from His infinite past reach the “now” to do what God wanted to do “now”. Swill!

* So the philosophical / meta-philosophical question is, if there is an infinite past, can you ever get to the now? Everything is too easy.

* The timeline: In an infinite timeline there are an infinite number of events, each of which is finite (that is, like the event that is you). Here is a useful analogy. Let us assign each unique and finite event a unique number. How many unique numbers are available to assign? Well, we know from the above that there are an infinite amount of unique numbers available that would take an infinite amount of time (an infinite timeline) to count that infinite amount of unique numbers.

* No matter where you are on an infinite number line, you can progress, say by counting forward from, say, 100 (where you are) to 150 (where you want to be “now”), or backward from 150 to 100.

* You can hit any specific event on an infinite timeline just as you can hit any specific single number on the infinite number line. No matter where you are on an infinite timeline, you can move into the “now” by going, say, from Saturday to Sunday; January to February; 2001 to 2002, etc.

* Apart from something else, it is not necessary that you progress to get to the “now”, as long as you are, you are in the present or in the “now”.

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