admin Posted on 7:59 am

Ten ways to provide better customer service

Today’s smart customers not only want great service, they often expect it. Customer service was the main focus of quality growth and improvement for companies in recent decades, which is why many now expect it. Businesses can lose customers to poor customer service, and they can retain customers who feel treated with respect. The proper functioning of customer service depends to a great extent on the attitude and training of the company’s human resources, even those who do not belong to the service areas. Here are some ways everyone can improve their customer service skills and attitudes.

  1. Always smile when talking to the customer, either in person or on the phone. Smiling elevates your attitude and the positivity can be heard in your voice.
  2. Greet customers by saying hello, giving them your name, and asking how you can help them.
  3. Whenever possible, be empathetic. Let the client know that you understand their feelings and want to help them solve their problem.
  4. Be sure to ask for his name so that you can call him when he answers. This makes the conversation seem more friendly rather than combative. If you’re on the phone, get their phone number as well in case you get disconnected or need to do an investigation. With your phone number, you can call him back if necessary.
  5. If you must put a phone customer on hold or their computers are off, let them know how long the wait or downtime can last. If it will be more than a couple of minutes, you should give them the option to wait or ask you to return them when you have completed your investigation or when the computers are working again. The customer can choose to call you back, but never tell you what to do. Make sure to call them back within the allotted time, even if it’s just to say you don’t have an answer yet. Lack of communication is often more frustrating for a client than having to wait a little longer for results.
  6. If the customer is angry or determined to complain, stay calm and don’t take their criticism personally. Ask questions to get to the root of the problem or problem. However, consider their criticisms as suggestions for future improvement of your company’s processes and services.
  7. If you don’t have an answer for the customer, don’t make anything up. Instead, find someone who can give you the correct answer. Customers don’t like being lied to or patronized.
  8. Find the best way to solve the problem and satisfy your customer without going through multiple levels of approval or breaking any rules. Multiple approval levels only slow down the process and don’t help the customer, so avoid them whenever possible. However, if you must get approval, inform the client about the process and how long it may take and exactly when you can expect a result. Often times, you can go the extra mile for the customer without breaking any rules or going against written policies.
  9. Once the customer’s issue is resolved, ask if you can be of assistance with anything else. Make sure to thank the customer before saying goodbye.
  10. Always remember that the golden rule is the best rule of thumb for customer service: “Do to others what you would like them to do to you.”

These are simple ideas to improve employee customer service skills and attitudes. It is important to always remember that today’s customers expect excellent customer service and that they will go where they can find it. Companies lose customers due to poor service. So, offer a great service to help retain customers.

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