admin Posted on 6:43 pm

Tall brunette from Arizona looking for a guy with boyfriend potential

Yes. That’s the suggestion for a profile title you’ll get if you watch free YouTube videos about online dating. Specifically, dating profile tips. “It’s catchy,” says the gracious lady, “it describes me well and lets men know I’m serious.” Sign. I’d call it as boring as the following profile headline that will have little to no bearing on whether or not a man will approach you online, but that’s fine.

The video continues and the next tip appears. If you need help, use movie lines for your title. The specific example given is about a guy who once said, “No one puts the baby in a corner.” Now, I don’t know about you, but I had no idea what that meant. At first glance, it sounds like a banner for child abuse prevention. You certainly wouldn’t find it smart if you were browsing between men on a dating site and saw it. Than? Is it a fetish reference? Turns out it’s from the movie Dirty Dancing. Okay, is it just me or was that movie made in 1987? Seriously folks, how old is that and who knows that line? Right. There are four of you. Shoot me, but before you do, tell me this. Did he make you spend more time on that guy’s profile if you didn’t like pictures of him to begin with? Do not.

Another thing you will hear is being honest, not posting old or unrealistic photos, good usernames blah blah blah. Four minutes, 26 seconds of advice that’s the same as what you’ll get in 100 other YouTube videos posted by self-proclaimed “experts” on online dating.

Is it valid advice? Sure, up to a point. But what is missing every time is depth. I’m not sure what qualifies all those YouTube videographers as experts, so I looked it up. Merriam Webster tells me that expert means: having, involving, or displaying special skill or knowledge derived from training or experience. Interesting. I didn’t know there was a UODNY (University of Online Dating New York). Do you have a basketball team? Oh, so it’s not really derived from formal training. Very well, then it must be about experience. Let me compare. One must invest eleven to fifteen years to become a doctor in an area of ​​specialization. It takes eight to ten years to become a judge (the expert of all lawyers). Heck, to be considered a senior project manager, you need to have ten years of hands-on experience. So I think ten years is a pretty solid number as far as experts go.

So, I’m doing the math and thinking: If the 30-something lady is an expert, then she must have at least ten years of hands-on experience with online dating, right? So, she went online looking for love when she was in her early 20s, and now she makes YouTube videos that you are going to follow and take as biblical advice related to your love life.

Things that make you go hmm.

Here’s the thing. If you’re going to be the expert and give advice, you have to know what online dating really is. hands on. You also have to explain why things are the way they are. You can tell a dog to sit, and he will. Most likely, even he knows why, because he will receive a gift.

So let’s rewind. She mentions having a catchy headline. I say put what you want. The boys don’t care. They won’t remember you. They are going to bookmark or bookmark you as they continue to scroll through images of women. It’s like fishing. They pull a dozen lines and wait to see if they take a bite.

He mentions having good, clear and realistic photos. I agree, but there is no depth to that statement. I always tell my readers to have (yes… good, clear, accurate) photos that show a lot of skin, but have class. An example would be a full body shot in a sleeveless summer dress. Why? Because men love skin. It’s what they want most, to see us naked. they are visual. I repeat, they are visual.

It also mentions usernames. Guys won’t remember your username any more than they will remember your profile title. At least not until you’re corresponding regularly through the site. Even then, your username doesn’t matter. If you’re hot in her eyes, you can be HAIRYPITGIRL, and she’ll probably think she’s cute. My only suggestion here is to stay away from insults if you are really looking for love. BIGTITTYKITTY isn’t likely to pique the interests of a guy looking for a long-term relationship, if you know what I mean.

Online dating is not a college course. You can’t get a degree on it, and you can’t apply traditional dating rules to it. Nor can you give expert advice on it if you have not lived it. There are over 50 million people on these sites, and let’s face it. It’s a fucking zoo. The bottom line is, if you’re online, frustrated with the whole experience and looking for advice, check the credentials of the person you choose to listen to. If there are no credentials listed, the so-called expert most likely does not have any. It’s like going to the doctor, dentist or any other expert who gives you advice. Do your homework. After all, this is your love life. It is very possible that you will meet the person with whom you will spend the rest of your life. I wouldn’t call that little potatoes. It’s worth a little effort, and so are you.

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