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Rage Technique – Transform suppressed rage into willpower!

Anger is energy. It is a feeling that is part of our emotional life. Anger can become your greatest enemy, weakening your health and producing negativity. When anger is understood and transformed, it can become your greatest ally in healing and finding personal peace.

Anger is one of the most misunderstood and commonly repressed emotions. When you understand the true nature of anger, you can begin to harness a lost power of your will. Willpower is the key to creating permanent and positive changes in your life. It all depends on how you relate to your emotions. Before exploring anger transformation, it is important to clarify “positive” and “negative” emotions.

Emotions are a feedback system that offers guidance in our daily lives. They inform us of what we must do to feel safe and at peace. In childhood we learned to judge our emotions and classify them into two categories, positive (good) or negative (bad) emotions. We tend to label any feeling that is constricting, such as fear, guilt, and loneliness, as negative and bad. Expansive emotions such as love, joy, and happiness are considered positive (good). The challenge for you is to redefine your relationship with all of your emotions and change the way you relate to them. Here’s how to do that.

You will experience an empowered relationship with your emotions as you redefine them. Negative emotions are any emotion (love or fear) that you ignore, deny, and repress. Regardless of their names, all emotions turn negative when you refuse to feel and express them.

Eventually, every suppressed emotion erupts into anger, whether it be internal or external anger. It is the repression of the emotion that causes its destructiveness, not the emotion itself. Likewise, repressed love can be just as destructive as anger. Emotions are energy that must be felt and expressed with respect.

Positive emotions are any emotion that you honor (possess), feel, express, and release, appropriately. When you respect your anger as well as your love, you will have matured your emotional intelligence and will begin to take command of your life.

We have been brainwashed since childhood to judge anger as a bad emotion. Like all emotions, anger is meant to be felt, expressed, and released… appropriately. Suppressed anger always has a negative impact on our lives. Addictions, worry, doubt and helplessness increase when anger is repressed. When anger is released, these negative experiences will quickly subside. Furthermore, within all anger there is a hidden resource of willpower. The energy needed to end procrastination and take charge of your life can be found once you tap into and release your anger.

How to create a healthy relationship with anger.

It is important to recognize the value of your emotions both constricting and expanding. The purpose of anger is to give you feedback. Anger is a messenger that communicates to you that a change is needed. For example, if you feel angry with a person, something in that relationship must change. Perhaps he is not being respected or understood. Pretending you’re not angry only compounds the negativity.

Being honest with yourself is key to harnessing the power of your emotional nature. When you stop judging and honestly feel your restrictive emotions, you will quickly express and release them. Then the energy trapped inside can become a constructive force in your life.

Four steps to transform repressed anger into willpower:

The first step: Take responsibility for your anger (admit it) and start feeling it. This allows you to connect with it and begin to transform it into a positive experience. By realizing this simple truth, you can begin to bring anger out of its destructive and repressed state.

Step 2: Express your anger in writing. Take a piece of paper and write at the top of the page, “Me and my anger.” Write the first thing that comes to mind about anger. Write in a free association style. Don’t worry about grammar, sentence structure, or spelling. Express your anger by writing down your thoughts and feelings.

For example, you could start writing: “This exercise is stupid. I don’t think I’m doing this! Trying to write my anger down is so frustrating…I feel stuck, like I’m in fourth grade…blah blah… blah.”

Let the thoughts and feelings flow from you! Do not access or judge your words. It may feel uncomfortable at first, but soon it will begin to flow out of you in a stream of consciousness. Before you know it, you will access the anger trapped within your subconscious mind and release it.

After 20 to 45 minutes, the feelings of constriction will change and rise to a feeling of peace within you. When that happens, destroy the paper, tear it up, burn it, or flush it down the toilet. Then take a break and go do something you enjoy. Relax in a hot bath, go for a walk, enjoy your favorite movie, do something fun. This will help you rise beyond these feelings into a larger space. Give yourself at least 2 hours and up to 24 hours to relax before moving on to step three.

Step 3: Express your anger imaginatively. This is an important step in freeing your mind. It involves using your imagination to unhook negativity from your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between something you imagine and something that actually happens.

For example: Have you ever sat in a movie theater and seen terrifying images on the screen that caused you to feel tense and anxious? Logically, you knew you were safe, you were surrounded by a hundred other people. However, his subconscious mind did not distinguish the images on the screen from what was really happening to him. This is how the mind-body connection works. Your subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between what you imagine and what actually happens to you physically. react the same

Guided imagery technique to release repressed anger.

Close your eyes and imagine the person you are angry with standing in front of you. This person may be dead a long time ago, it may be a boss, a parent, someone who annoyed you. Tell them in your mind how angry and upset he is. If you need to act it out, act it out imaginatively. If you were so angry that you could have spit on them and kicked them, then in your imagination, spit on them and kick them! Play, now is your chance to unload the pent-up energy of your subconscious mind! Do not stop. The more vividly you imagine this with honest feelings, the more effective it will be.

Tip: If you find it difficult to express your childhood anger, let your inner child express its feelings. Let the angry part of you, your child, teen, or adolescent express the feelings that they have never released.

You may be worried that if you vent your anger in meditation, you are somehow sending negative energy to the person. Remember, your intention is where the energy flows. Your intention is to transform anger into positive energy. Once your subconscious mind has vented your anger, you can easily forgive and let go. Let the angry part of you act on your feelings, don’t hold back. Honor the angry part of you and it will set you free.

The 4th Step: Forgive who made you angry. Forgive them and let them go. Again, you can do this in your imagination, just picture them in your mind and tell them, I forgive you. I’m letting you go. You don’t have to talk to them physically, but you can effectively forgive them in your mind, where it really matters. Forgiveness will come easily once the anger has been cleared from your mind.

If you’re having a hard time giving it to them, go back and see if there’s more anger you haven’t put aside. Once you have forgiven them and yourself (for attracting this negative experience), decide what positive energy you would like to experience more of in your life. Do you want greater self-determination, discipline, and creativity? Visualize how you want to feel and be. Imagining yourself back in the flow, empowered and feeling great with a renewed ability to focus, be productive and creative.

Tip: read my article on forgiveness

When you release pent up anger, you automatically strengthen your inner power. Your life becomes full and rich with greater love, happiness and peace. You will feel more in charge of yourself and your life. The more anger you feel and release, the clearer, happier, and more alive you will be. Your health can improve rapidly and you will have an unstoppable willpower to create the changes in your life that you have always wanted.

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