admin Posted on 5:16 am

PH solution

You’ve probably heard this term before, but you’re still wondering what it really means. Basically, the term alkalizing means increasing the pH value of your body’s extracellular and intracellular fluids so that your body can function at its maximum capacity. Now the pH scale is a scientific scale, generally it goes from 0 to 14, with 0 being the most acidic and 14 being the most alkaline, therefore theoretically 7 is neutral. Our bodies have different organ and fluid pH values, which in most cases should be in a certain pH range. However, due to our daily dietary choices, we lower our pH, thereby disturbing the fragile pH balance and sending incorrect signals to our body and cells.

pH means (p) – potency / potential of hydrogen ions (H +) in an aqueous solution. Therefore, the higher the hydrogen concentration in a given substance, the lower the pH. It is literally a scale. The pH scale should have been correctly called the cH scale, as it is actually a measure of the concentration (c) of the hydrogen ion (H +). The difference between a pH of 7 and a pH of 6 is raised by 10 to the power of the pH difference. For example, 10 (7-6) or 10 (1) which is 10 times more concentrated. For a pH difference of 7 and 5 – 10 (7-5) or 10 (2) which is 100 times more concentrated, for a pH difference of 7 and 4 – 10 (7-4) or 10 (3) than it is 1000 times more concentrated, etc. In other words, vinegar is a thousand times more acidic than water.

Our goal is to regain balance. The pH balance. How? Adequate hydration with high pH water.

Acid, most of us hear this word almost every day. For example: acid reflux, acid in the stomach, sour (as in drugs), sour / sour taste, etc. An acid is any ionic compound that releases a hydrogen ion (H +) in solution. Acid is like a proton donor. Acids usually taste sour, however it is misleading to say that lemons and limes are sour just because they taste sour. When it comes to food, we will just tell you how those foods are actually metabolized in your system and show you how some foods that taste sour are actually alkaline once they are in our body.

There are strong acids and weak acids. Its strength depends on the “readiness” of a particular compound to release its hydrogen ions.

For example, hydrochloric and sulfuric acids are very strong acids and range between 1-2 on the pH scale.

So how important is pH balance in our bodies? It’s a matter of living or dead! Seriously, take blood, for example, this liquid organ should stay within a very narrow range of 7.36-7.38, therefore the optimum is 7.37.

In fact, if the pH of your blood reaches 7.1 or 7.7, you will die instantly. Just like holding your breath for more than 2-3 minutes, the oxygen levels in your blood will drop dramatically, the pH of your blood will drop as well, and this will stimulate your brain to inhale again.

When the fluid in which cells bathe becomes acidic, the mechanisms that keep the pH of the cells’ internal fluids balanced are stressed to the point where normal cells begin to die, change shape and function, and become in cancer cells. But that’s not all, maintaining an acidic environment in your body will promote and support the growth of different microorganisms, including bacteria, yeast, viruses, fungi, parasites, mold, and cancer.

Otto Warburg, winner of the Nobel Prize for cellular respiration in 1931, stated that all cancer and diseased cells live and thrive in an acidic environment that is poor in oxygen (O2). Does this mean that if you go back and stay alkaline you will never get sick, your disease will go away, and you will lose weight? In my opinion; YES!

Do you want to be disease free, full of energy and vibrant health? Then read on to find out if you are at risk or already a ‘victim’ of acid.

Plasma pH drops are a special formulation of strong alkalis, which is intended to raise the pH of the water you drink. I must say that this way of alkalizing the tide along with the alkaline diet is one of the best ways to alkalize your body. We also use Life Force Technology (TM) to increase the energy of our drops, we use cesium (the most alkaline element there is) and oxygen (kills cancer cells, promotes health).

The plasma pH drops alkalize the water you drink. They promote more oxygen in your system, higher energy potential, and many documented health benefits. Increase the pH of your water to 10 with just 10 drops per liter or quart. It is the best and least expensive product on the market, take a look at this website and see for yourself.

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