admin Posted on 6:06 am

Grow taller after puberty

Generally, people say and feel that after the age of 18, growth is limited. Moms repeatedly tell their pupils: “Run and exercise now, before you are past the growth period.” It is a common ideology; it’s not really unjustified as it has a bit of science attached to it. But science generally has answers to various problems. Also in this case, you have good answers on how to grow taller after puberty.

After puberty, the growth areas or growth plates in the long bones fuse together and obstruct growth. This is the reason why it is said that there are no areas of growth, from a medical point of view, of course. But many people have grown even after puberty.

So people who want to grow taller after puberty can focus on other areas: the spine and the cartilage of the knee.

The spine has bones that never fuse, except for the lowest nine. Between the bones, there is a cartilage called the spinal disc; which helps cushion the impacts. These discs can be stimulated to thicken and the length of the back can be increased. This requires simple exercises like hanging swimming that stimulate the secretion of growth hormone by the pituitary gland. This directly increases your height.

At the same time, it can also work on the cartilage of the knee to thicken it and thus grow taller after puberty. The cartilage of the knee will have to undergo a lot of stress and precise exercises to increase its length and width. This exercise is called the micro fracture and ankle weights technique. Over time, the cartilage in the knee gets used to these exercises.

It is also found that more than one exercise session a day increases the amount of growth hormone secreted throughout the day. This shows that having multiple periods of exercise during a day can increase your growth rate. Not forgetting the amount of good sleep that is essential, during which the maximum amount of growth hormone is secreted.

These measures help to break the myth that people cannot grow any longer after a certain age, especially after puberty.

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