admin Posted on 8:42 am

Exercise your back pain!

According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, 80 percent of Americans will experience back pain at some point in their life.

The traditional treatment for low back pain is to increase core strength to increase flexibility of tight muscles, provide better spinal stabilization, and exercises to correct muscle imbalances. The muscles that surround the spine provide stability and support to the spine. All the muscles between the hips and the shoulders are included. These muscles are known as the core muscles. Back pain can be caused by muscle imbalances in any of these muscles. If the back of the thighs is weaker than the front of the thighs, there will be an uneven pull on the front of the spine. This muscle imbalance can be caused by long periods of standing or sitting, improper strength training or running, this lordotic curve or backward sway of the spine can be painful.

There are more effective ways to integrate core strength training exercises into every exercise you perform than doing traditional sit-ups. One way is to use effective breathing. The following “Pilates” style breathing technique can be added to any strength training exercise. While performing a leg press, inhale during the push-up portion and exhale during the press. This deep breathing technique should be incorporated with the resistance or strength of the exercise. You’ll use the diaphragm muscles that help provide spinal support and lengthen your spine, breathing from your diaphragm instead of shallow breathing in your upper chest.

A tummy tuck and bridge lift can help reduce back pain and strengthen your core muscles. A tummy tuck is simply a pelvic tilt that lifts your abs off the ground. Simply lie on your stomach and squeeze your glutes to lengthen your spine. Bring your tailbone toward your heels instead of pressing into your thighs. Do 10-12 repetitions of each exercise, alternating them until you complete 2-3 sets. For the bridge, simply place your feet on a bench or floor and lift your pelvis up; the rib cage should remain low to reduce irritation of the spinal muscles. This will relieve stress on your back and focus muscle contraction on your hamstrings and glutes.

Lumbar lateral stretch, hip flexor stretch, and calf stretches can help relieve tension in the spine.

For the hip flexor stretch, bring one foot forward on a bent knee, at a 90-degree angle (knee to hip and knee to ankle) while the other leg is on the floor behind you with the foot pointed toward the ceiling . This stretch helps open up the back muscles on the sides of the spine near the hips. Squeeze your glutes to deepen the stretch with each exhaled breath. You should feel a stretch in your back leg, in the front of your thigh, and in the hamstrings of your front leg.

For the lumbar lateral stretch, open your legs with your knees bent while sitting or standing. Bring one hand down to the foot inside the thighs and the other behind the head.

The last section opens the Achilles tendon; the most distant pull on the spine of the body. Place an object under your foot and lean your body weight forward. Keep your breath flowing as you hold all the stretches for 10 to 30 seconds. You should feel a stretch behind your knee and shin.

By exercising your core muscles, you will be able to continue exercising without sacrificing your back. Check with your doctor before beginning ANY exercise program!

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