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Eustachian tube dysfunction

Eustachian tube dysfunction (ETD) affects millions of people worldwide and, while not life-threatening, can cause significant discomfort, pain, and associated life changes. The Eustachian tubes are small 1.5″ tubes that connect the middle ear to the back of the throat and provide the only outlet for fluid (mucus) generated inside the ear. They also allow air pressure to balance at each side of the eardrum, which maintains correct levels and pitch of what we hear. When they are working properly, these tubes open when we swallow or yawn and allow fluid to escape. When they are not working, fluid will build up and fill the middle ear causing deafness, pressure, pain and tinnitus.

The reasons for the dysfunction can be many, including a virus, infection, inflammation, or some other physical cause, for example, a blockage of some kind. Symptoms can last for days, weeks, and months. In most cases, it will go away on its own, but in some cases, ENT specialists will consider interventions such as suctioning the fluid through the eardrum or placing a grommet to allow air to pass through. Short-term self-help measures can help, and below is a guide to some of the actions that can help based on my own experience.

Reopen those tubes. You need to open the Eustachian tubes as often as possible to get air into the middle ear cavity and also allow excess mucus to find an outlet. When you do, you’ll hear them and feel them popping or crackling (this is good!). You can do this by swallowing hard or by falsely yawning, pushing your jaw forward forcefully. Use the ‘Valsalva move’, which is done by pinching the nose and blowing fairly hard with the mouth closed, filling the cheeks until both nostrils open. It may take a while, but keep going. Hold them open for a few seconds, release them, and then swallow. Do this 4 or 5 times a day at least.

Anti-inflammatory. I think these medications can help. A common cause of the ET not working is swelling in or around the ET and by reducing this you can help things get back to normal. It’s worth a try, but keep going as it can take days to take effect.

chewing gum Do this as much as you can and preferably use a mentholated gum. The chewing action will help the tubes open naturally and the menthol will help too.

It uses steam and lots of it. The use of steam will help loosen mucus and open the tubes. Do this as often as you can. If you have access to a steam room, use it and sit there for an hour. Using Olbas oil with a steamer is very good. A facial sauna machine is a good substitute as it will keep the steam warm for longer than a regular inhaler. As you inhale, open the ET’s by yawning. Using a bowl with a towel on your head is also fine.

Heat pad. Use a hot water bottle wrapped in a thin towel and hold it pressed against your ear as hot as you can stand it. The heat will radiate down to the middle ear and help loosen up that stubborn mucus.

Nasal sprays. These can be helpful to start clearing up the sinuses and ETs.

Sleep upright. Don’t lie down because the fluid will move to places that won’t help. Stand as high as you can, which will naturally allow the fluid to drain. The problem ear should be higher up.

Use a distraction to relieve tinnitus. If you need to spend the night sitting in front of the TV to fall asleep, do what it takes. Relaxing music through headphones can work, as can ‘white noise’, which can cancel out the ringing or loud whistling that this often suffers from. You can download these files or purchase them. Experiment with various shades as some will work and some won’t. Try this site

Avoid alcohol and caffeine. These are stimulating and will improve any tinnitus you have. The temptation may be to lose yourself with the drink. This will not be productive. Now is a great time to try herbal and green teas. Drink other warm liquids, such as fruit juices diluted with honey, which can act as natural decongestants and help keep your body hydrated.

Decongestants, do you decide? The jury is out on these. Some tips will say use them. My doctor said that treatments like Sudafed are a complete waste of time to deal with this. Yes, they can dry up mucus, but don’t forget that we actually want this stuff to run off, not dry up into hard deposits in the ear. This can cause the ear to produce even more mucus to displace dry deposits in what is known as the ‘rebound effect’. I used them initially, however I won’t next time if this comes back as I am convinced prolonged use of these did more harm than good.

Nasal Irrigation – Many will suggest this is helpful. The neti pot is the most popular. I used Neilmed’s SinusRinse system which is easier than a Netipot and it seemed to help. I’d say for a small outlay it’s worth a try, especially if your sinuses are blocked as well.

Take care of yourself. Eat right and make sure you get what you need to stay strong. A high dose of vitamin C is considered by many to be good to help combat this. Dairy products are thought by many to be one of the main causes of excess mucus. There is no evidence to say that it is, but to me avoiding this when your body is trying to change is probably a sensible sacrifice to make. Certain food groups are thought to be inflammatory, which may be triggering this problem. Watch these foods and restrict inflammatory foods. Fresh garlic, ginger, and fresh pineapple are great natural decongestants. Gentle exercise can help, particularly outdoors, but avoid strenuous aerobic activity as this creates more of what you’re trying to change. Stay well hydrated by drinking your daily intake.

Devices can help. There are a number of devices available aimed at alleviating this problem. The Earpopper can help if you are unable to open your tubes yourself. Earpopper The Eardoc produces high-level vibrations through the ear that are claimed to open up the tubes and allow fluid to drain out. Eardoc Any other device that can produce vibrations in the ear can help things move.

Homeopathy. There are some natural medicines available that can help. Simply search for ‘Homeopathic for Ear Problems’ to see what is recommended. Kali Bich is believed to be particularly effective in helping with disorders of the ear, nose, and throat. Echinacea is also worth considering.

Think positive. It’s so easy at 3am with no sleep and an ear that feels like it’s going to explode, to feel like the world is ending and you’ll be cursed with this forever. You must stay positive and believe that you will go. Will. Virtually all cases of this will go away, unless you have a rare complication that doesn’t allow it. If you have this for a long period of time, you should bother your doctor and demand to see a specialist. This is because he/she is the only person who can see if there is an underlying cause that needs further action. Medical interventions are limited to fix this and the exact causes of this disease are still unknown. As a last resort, grommets can be installed in the eardrum, but for many reasons this must be carefully considered. My ETD problem comes and goes. I have 3-4 days of discomfort and little sleep, then it gradually goes away and I enjoy almost normalcy for a week or more before it comes back. Others have only a few days of suffering, while others have a much longer period of trouble. Don’t expect any treatment to instantly solve the problem. It will not. Mine takes around 24 hours to light up and 2-3 days to fade away. It is a slow process. Good luck.

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