admin Posted on 5:09 am

Email Market Segmentation

Segmentation will allow you to send emails that are relevant to the needs and wants of your recipients. Along with sending relevant emails, there will also be an opportunity to drastically reduce the volume of emails being sent due to the identification and removal of irrelevant emails.

Depending on your business or the segments of the site they could easily be based on the categories you have there. If you have access to analytics, that would be great to see. People say exactly how to segment them, but you just have to listen. You can segment people not only based on demographics (age, gender, location…), but you should always take into account their purchases and behaviors. If a user comes to your page and then clicks and views a certain page or enters something in the search box, you want to know these things.

With this information, you can learn more about who you’re emailing. This lets you know what vital information like preferences, interests, needs, budget and more. For example, if a visitor came to his page and while there he looked for blue pens, looked at a couple of blue pens, and looked at different models of blue pens, what does this mean? Well, it means that they are interested in blue pens. It wouldn’t make sense to mail them something about green markers when they were interested in particularly blue pens.

Segmentation is key because people really care about what’s in it for them. You also have a limited window to show someone you’re interested in your needs and wants before they unsubscribe or spam you. So when you segment, now you only send them emails related to things that interest them. The user who wants blues pens will open and not care about emails about blues pens. They are also more likely to click through to your site and then from there maybe even make a purchase.

An example of a segment for an online retailer:

-clothes (can be broken down into jeans, shirts, shoes…)
-electronics (electronics), household appliances…
-Frequent Buyers
-High-end buyers (VIP)
-Most recent visit: when was the last time they visited your site
-Average amount spent: average amount of money spent per order
-Open rates: whether they open the email or not
-Acquisition rates: How did you get them to come to your site, for example, did they find you on Facebook or did they get your information from Craigslist?

You want to segment your list in any way applicable to your audience because you only want to send a relevant message. One of the keys to running a successful campaign is to keep your segments as specific as possible, while keeping them simple and limiting the number of segments to a manageable handful.

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