admin Posted on 6:52 am

Can foam and latex pillows be dangerous to health?

Memory foam pillows and latex pillows are all the rage in pillow town. You can’t blame people who rush to buy a game for themselves and the whole family. They are extremely comfortable and certainly provide excellent support that traditional pillows lack. Aside from being a dream to sleep in, they are very inexpensive as they last for years. Unlike most pillows on the market, they do not deflate over time. And you’re guaranteed pillows that will be like new every day for years to come. That is due to the technology applied in these pillows. The materials have the characteristic of being able to return to their normal shape and smooth out the indentations left by the head. It’s like they never fell asleep!

However, there are many speculations about the danger that these pillows pose to human health. Although they are labeled as hypoallergenic, several people have claimed to have gotten sick since purchasing these pillows.

Latex pillows are made from rubber foam produced from the sap of rubber trees. They are resistant to dust mites and mold by nature. However, synthetic latex can outgas chemicals that can affect human health. These pillows are made of materials formulated from petroleum products.

Because of the strong odor it emits, there were some users who complained of dizziness, nausea, headache, migraine, and shortness of breath. However, the smell was reported to subside after a month or so. There were not many complaints filed as overseen by the FDA.

There are pillows on the market that are made of natural latex and claim to be 100%. They are naturally processed, proteins that could attract dust mites are removed, and are chemical-free. However, the glue used for the capes could cause allergies among sensitive wearers. It is safe to advise people with latex allergies to avoid using latex pillows.

Memory foam pillows are made from polyurethane invented by NASA from petroleum products. This synthetic material generates toxic waste byproducts. The fact that it is not biodegradable should ring alarm bells. These pillows degas volatile organic compounds that are toxic to human health. Although the odor wears off, the toxic chemicals can penetrate your immune system. That’s why hypersensitive people easily get sick from breathing organophosphate chemicals that aren’t easily detectable. Aside from the reported dizziness, migraines, headaches, and asthma attacks, there was also an incidence of heart attacks and other autoimmune disorders.

Despite some negative comments, there are several people who are very happy with their latex and memory pillows. Mucho has found his perfect match with them and has claimed to have provided the perfect solution to his sleeping disorders.

Although no clinical studies have been published and no complaints have been reported, prevention is always better than cure. There is nothing wrong with trying. Buy these pillows with a warranty or a money-back guarantee so you can judge for yourself.

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