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Be an outstanding communicator who achieves goals

“Everything that the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve”

– Napoleon Hill, “Think and Grow Rich”

Your ability to communicate with confidence, clarity, energy and persuasion, in every speaking situation, is directly related to your success regardless of your field or profession.

I always ask my clients during their executive voice training program, “Why do you want to be successful?” Many say they want enough money to have the freedom to do whatever they want in life.

• Return

• Help your children be successful

• Work for themselves

• Work less and “play” more

• Spend more time with the family

• Help other people to live better and

• Travel more

There are several steps to ensure that one achieves the objectives.

Step One: Identify your personal reason for being successful in life.

Step Two: Write an incredibly detailed picture of what your success looks like. Get into the details. For example, if you want to travel more, how many days per year? Where do you want to go? What does it take to give you the time and money?

Step Three: Define what role outstanding communication will play in achieving your goals. In most professions, your ability to communicate is the main differentiator.

John was a young marketing manager at a leading national retail store whose vision for success was to open his own unique retail chain. He defined his vision clearly, yet he was a soft-spoken man who sounded shy and monotonous. He said, “I need to appear confident, authoritative, powerful, and enthusiastic.”

With the Executive Speaking Skills program from Voice Power Studios, John gained control of his voice; He learned to speak in a low voice, well projected, articulate, expressive and easy to listen to. He earned the confidence to become an outstanding communicator in every business interaction – meetings, presentations, negotiations, and stakeholder interactions on his way to achieving his goal.

Try these tips to improve your voice.

• Slow your speaking speed to 150 words per minute by breathing between thoughts and saying the end of your words. It takes time to do this and therefore it will slow you down.

• Speak clearly. Say the whole word without cutting the end. Muttering and pronouncing the words together is the direct result of speaking too fast. If they don’t get it, it’s hard to persuade your listener to buy.

• Never throw away the last word of your thought. The last word is the most important and if your listener does not hear it clearly, your thinking loses its impact and you risk losing your attention.

Wake up your voice every day:

• Lip roll: Breathe in deeply and exhale with your lips closed, causing your lips to move or move.

• Resonator hum: mAHmAHmAHmAHmAHm. Alternate between the hum (m) and the vowel. Then add the other vowels until you can do the following in one breath with the resonance always on the lips: mEEmEHmAHmOHmOO.

Sandra McKnight is an internationally renowned keynote speaker and executive voice and speech coach with over 30 years of private and cross-cultural training and coaching in executive voice coaching, accent reduction, speaking, voice, public speaking, and presentation skills. His clients include CEOs, attorneys, executives, entrepreneurs, business owners, sales professionals, and companies such as Northrop Grumman, Nestlé, Intel, Microsoft, DDI World, Inc., IBM, and Ernst and Young (Hong Kong).

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