admin Posted on 12:13 am

6 myths of the GOMAD diet

It’s no secret that I believe in GOMAD, the process of drinking a gallon of milk per day to gain weight and build muscle. It’s far from a perfect process, of course, but there are definitely a lot of myths and misunderstandings floating around out there.

In the next few hundred words, I plan to tackle them.

  1. You’re going to get fat. Not you to win Fat. There is a difference. If you gain weight with GOMAD, you are not slim to begin with, then why are you trying to gain weight? If you are looking to get stronger, just start lifting weights.
  2. It is not healthy. There are definitely healthier things you can do than GOMAD, but most people only do it for a month and it’s better for you than eating processed fast food or drinking a sugary soda.
  3. It does not work. It depends on your goals. GOMAD will help you gain weight and build muscle. However, it won’t turn you into The Hulk in 30 days. You need realistic expectations. Just rest assured that you’ll have made significant progress when you’re done.
  4. There are better alternatives. Unless you can gorge yourself on solid food every day, there isn’t. Milk is easy to consume and is packed with calories, fat, and protein. Is the best option.
  5. You don’t have to drink whole milk. You do not have it. No other type of milk contains the right balance of macronutrients. If you’re vegan, this counts, I’m afraid. Don’t try to cheat either. Other types of milk will not work.
  6. Saturated fats are bad. Saturated fat is really good for you. Almost everything that people say hurts from a health standpoint actually helps. Flip all those preconceptions about it.

However, I don’t want to preach GOMAD to anyone and everyone, as there are definitely some side effects:

  • You could have a little acne. This, however, can be avoided by drinking green tea or putting your hands in some raw milk (which is more difficult, unfortunately).
  • You will probably become constipated. But this can be avoided with some mild laxatives.
  • You will fart a lot. This is where “squeeze” comes in handy. But also remember, this process only takes a few months. It is temporary.

And while these side effects do exist, they don’t discredit the fact that GOMAD works. If you want to gain weight and build muscle in no time, drinking a gallon of milk a day will help.

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