admin Posted on 4:43 am

5 things we must do to combat this pandemic!

Many of us are looking for something, desperately, for something, getting closer, what we consider normal! After more than a year of experiencing this horrible pandemic, we hope and pray for a meaningful resolution and restoration at a time when we feel safe (and we are), moving in public, attending closed places. and outdoor activities, once again, enjoying many kinds of events, etc. Unfortunately, a lot of valuable time was wasted, when the former president, first, denied it and called it a hoax, then downplayed it, wore a mask, and actually articulated a message, blaming and complaining, and repeatedly trying, to throw – Doubt, about severity and danger! If we hope to move forward, safer, healthier, and closer to what we consider normal, there are many things each of us must do and commit to consistently doing! There are at least 5 things we must do to defeat this pandemic! With that in mind, this article will briefly attempt to consider, examine, review and discuss, these and why, we must put politics aside and work together, as a team, to restore the public. Health & Wellness.

1. Keep wearing a mask: Why do some make such a big deal out of wearing a mask? Almost all health professionals and public health experts claim that this virus is predominantly airborne and spreads that way. So the best way to make sure fewer people are exposed is to commit to wearing a mask! Even though the United States has been vaccinating our citizens, at a rate of about 5 times, the rest of the world, until, unless many more people get vaccinated, we will not reach the level of herd immunity, which makes it safer to proceed, under certain conditions (indoors, and when we cannot maintain at least a six foot social distancing barrier). This should not be a political issue, and has nothing to do with freedoms, but simply a common sense public health policy / suggestion!

2. Handwashing: Wash hands frequently and use hand sanitizers, is an effective security measure. Protect yourself and others by doing it regularly!

3. Social distancing: Maintain at least a 6-foot barrier to ensure you reduce the risk of infection. When, we see, some people, hanging out, in crowds, etc., not only put their own well-being at risk, but everyone, others, can come into contact.

Four. Get vaccinated: Unless you are one of the few, with legitimate health concerns, it should be, both common sense and social responsibility, to get vaccinated as soon as you are eligible and able to get an appointment. When, at least, more than 60%, but, better still, if, closer to 70% and more, receive their vaccines, the sooner we can restore our society and our lives, or a more normal situation. , set of conditions, etc.

5. Be patient / be vigilant: While the availability of vaccines and the evidence of their effectiveness provide hope for light at the end of the tunnel, it is essential that now, more than ever, the public be patient, follow the suggestions of experts. and it remains vigilant, at least, until we approach herd immunity, depending on the number of people vaccinated.

Wake up America and take your personal responsibility to help us all defeat this deadly pandemic! This is the only way we’ll get anywhere near normal!

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