admin Posted on 8:18 pm

3 things to do if your ex girlfriend ignores you

She loved you, called you constantly, saw each other every day… and now, seemingly out of nowhere, your ex-girlfriend seems like a complete stranger to you. She’s cold, she’s short, and no matter what you do, she just won’t tell you the time of day. So what exactly happened?

If this situation sounds familiar to you, you are certainly not alone. Your ex-girlfriend has adopted one of the most common post-breakup attitudes: one that pushes you away every time you try to get close to her again. Such behaviors make it nearly impossible for you to win your girlfriend back, as long as she keeps you at arm’s length. That’s why you need to quickly reconnect with your ex about her on some fundamentally emotional levels, if you want to have any chance of keeping her.

If your ex-girlfriend is ignoring you right now, there are actually a lot of things you can do. But before we get into that, there are also a lot of things you can’t do. Let’s start there first:

* Chasing your ex girlfriend
* Call your ex to see where he is
* Excessive contacting, texting, or emailing your ex
* Ask your ex’s friends how they feel about you
* Trying to stop by and see your ex girlfriend, even when she told you not to
* Leaving desperate messages or writing long letters to change your ex’s mind

All of the above behaviors lead to utter ruin. Not only will they not work, but they will make things worse by making your ex girlfriend lose all respect for you. Without such respect, you can never get your girlfriend back

At the same time, however, there are methods and techniques that you can use to change the current situation. By creating an atmosphere where your ex girlfriend really starts to miss you again, you can take control, reopen the lines of communication, and pave the way for an eventual reconciliation.

To stop your ex girlfriend from ignoring your every move, make sure you do the following:

Walk Away Cleanly: Going Your Own Way

There is nothing worse than a clingy ex-boyfriend who won’t let go of the past. You can’t win your ex back by holding on to her leg, because eventually she will shake you as she walks away from her.

For this reason, you need to get away on your own self address. While it may seem like you’re giving up on the relationship, what you’re really doing is establishing a life of your own. When your ex sees that he is no longer chasing her, that is when he will arouse her interest. Your girlfriend will soon realize that your life is going on without her, and this is something she didn’t expect to happen so soon after the breakup.

break up with her too

Remember when your ex told you that you’d be better apart? And you shook your head and begged and begged and did everything you could to make her reconsider?

All those actions were bad moves. They made your girlfriend even more confident that she was making the right decision and reaffirmed that she was right to break things off. After all, why would she want to date someone who needs her more than she needs him?

Instead, the best way to handle abandonment is to dispose of the abandonment object. It sounds confusing, but imagine your ex breaking up with you. Now imagine nodding your head, telling him that he is right… telling him that you are better apart, and that you agree that things have been very bad lately. Now imagine giving her a hug, saying goodbye, and walking away as if the breakup really didn’t bother you at all.

This is the best way to handle an unwanted breakup. And even if their breakup already happened? There are still ways you can let your ex know that you totally and completely agree with his decision to end the relationship. There are some great methods to agree to the breakup and move on, confusing your ex girlfriend and making her think twice about what she’s doing.

Don’t let your ex stay in your post-breakup life

Finally, one of the biggest tricks a girl will do when she’s done with you: keep you close. A girl will often do this when she’s unsure about the breakup, because keeping you close at hand is a reassuring way that she can go back to the way things were, if she wants to.

Instead of playing the fool, it’s always better to completely remove yourself from your ex girlfriend’s life. Instead of responding to their platonic emails, it’s always better to ignore them. Instead of being friends after the breakup, it’s always better to reject the friendship on the grounds that you’d rather not see her at all.

Losing you is one thing. Lose them all at once? That is quite another. If your girlfriend broke up with you, she most likely expected her to let you go bit by bit. So when do you take it all off at once? It’s a great way to get her attention, especially if your ex-girlfriend is ignoring you.

Don’t risk losing your girlfriend forever by doing nothing. In order for your ex to miss you and love you back, you’ll need a step-by-step plan. Shrugging and hoping for the best is never a good way to approach a breakup, especially if he hasn’t had much contact with her ex-girlfriend.

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