admin Posted on 8:17 pm

Paralegal Corner: I Really Love (Mostly) My Job

Paralegals are notoriously stressed and sometimes we focus too much on the negative things that pop into their head throughout the day, and negative things happen. each day. On the other hand, most of us absolutely love what we do and have no desire to do anything else professionally.

The main reasons (in no particular order) why I love my job are:

multitasking mastery

Multitasking is a skill that all assistants need to master, whether they like it or not. Usually, I prefer to just focus on one task, complete it, and then move on to the next…but being a paralegal rarely allows that to happen. Some days when I’m forced to multitask, my brain rebels and I lash out in frustration at anyone who will listen, but most days I’m usually pretty proud that I was able to switch gears with the ease and smoothness of a racing driver. the highway during rush hour.

Organize sorcery

I tend to fall on the OCD side of the scale, so I get a kick out of it when I can organize all the chaos of a client’s file into a system that will make sense to anyone who touches it from then on. It’s like I can anticipate how it will be used in the future… and that’s because I can. *manic laugh*

resounding ingenuity

When lawyers are faced with doing something out of the ordinary, it often falls into our to-do pile. Sometimes there is no easy way to complete a task and we have to figure out the mechanics to get the desired end result. Because we are constantly faced with new questions that us I must answer, we are forced to access our creative superpowers to get the job done, son. And always ultimately do. It’s. Happen.

brain challenging

It sounds cliche, but I Live to stimulate my brain. Learning new things, conquering challenges, and accomplishing mountains of tasks that the faint of heart would immediately be overwhelmed by keeps me energized and excited to go to work every day. I rarely know what each professional day will bring, which keeps things intriguing. I am baffled for those of you who like to have jobs doing the same tasks day in and day out. Honestly, I’d be bored out of my mind. No, thanks. I’ll take what’s behind door number one, please.

Client closure

No proper list would be complete without this. Helping people is the main reason those of us who work in the service industry choose to do so, right? While there is that, it is actually deeper. In the legal world, we constantly interact with clients who are going through some of the worst experiences of their lives. They are scared, anxious and in desperate need of our services to move to the next phase of their lives. There is no better feeling than when we wrap up a client’s case and are showered with pure, unadulterated gratitude. Obtaining closure for a client is one of the most rewarding things we do, both for the client Y for us.

So at the end of the day, I’m basically equal parts exhausted and excited, as any job worth doing should be. It’s hard being a superhero, but it’s also incredibly rewarding…and of someone I have to do it

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