admin Posted on 5:11 am

Order with a greater purpose

Yes, in fact, there are many qualified ADHD experts who approach the disorder with far more experience and finesse than I do. Dana Rayburn and Bonnie Mincu come to mind.

Today, however, I want to explore with you how the act of decluttering literally opened up possibilities for abundant livelihood for me. That’s how it all started.

First I made a decision, I had an epiphany, an “ah ha” moment or whatever term suits you best. It was time to start clearing. I had also just received a powerful reading from an intuitive healer who authoritatively (in a good way) told me to do this, and to do it NOW. So I put on my favorite Pandora station and decided to start with my dressing room and the goal of seeing the floor.

Pulling clothes off the hangers that I hadn’t worn in years, I began to feel the rhythm and it soon became a game.

Next thing I knew, I had 8 garbage bags full of pretty nice clothes that I no longer wore or wanted to wear. In fact, they paid me for a part. via Craigslist. Suddenly I could see the floor of my closet. A feeling of overwhelming calm and pride washed over me.

Then came the need to do more and more. Suddenly I was cleaning my papers. The same thing.

Then it hits me. Why do I need all these things? Things from my past. Things that have kept me in my story v. my present and ultimately my future.

So I had one more big “ah ha” decision to leave Texas and finally go back to where my heart has wanted me to go back for years. I had made myself comfortable. It was easy to hide in a cocoon in my house. Now was the time to move on once and for all.

After that I cleared with a Great Purpose. Of course, being ADD, I needed help and got it from a compassionate organizer. So far, the entire house has shrunk down and everything I will take to Sac (as I affectionately call my destination) will literally fit in my 2-door Honda Coupe. I can always buy things I really need when I get there!

Then came the opportunities and more opportunities. I won’t go into detail here, but let’s just say that my work has had a more positive impact than it has in years. Out with the old and in with the amazing!

So, without going into a lot of advice, if you’re not living your dream doing the work you love to do, chances are you’re stuck in the past; a past may lie dormant in his house as clutter, perhaps every inch of it.

LET GO – RELEASE. MAKE A DECISION: One little mess at a time (let’s call it My Past Mess).

What is invading your space that needs to be released. Keep your heart and mind open and go for it. More to come…

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