admin Posted on 9:20 pm

Invisible and disappearing tattoos

There are some people who want a tattoo but, usually for professional reasons, cannot have a permanent mark on their skin. For such individuals, there are options. Some of these options involve as much commitment as standard tattoos and others are quite temporary in nature. Disappearing tattoos may seem like a bit of a contradiction in terms, but there is definitely this type of art available and for many people, they are the best option when they want to adorn their bodies but can’t have something that interferes with their personal or professional life. . life.

Temporary tattoos, once primarily a children’s toy, have become quite the thing in recent years. They used to be considered by those with actual tattoos as an instance of “posing”, but today, the designs are often so intricate and flashy that there is no snobbery involved. Many of these tattoos are applied by airbrush and, as long as they are isolated from soap and water, they can last for several weeks with good color retention. These tattoos are also a great way to experiment with a design and determine whether or not you want to make it permanent.

Another type of permanent but not visible tattoo can be done with UV reactive ink. This effect is similar to the way clubs tend to hand stamp today, where an invisible mark is placed on the skin, and once exposed to ultraviolet light, the mark glows a very intense color. These tattoos are popular with those who really want something different and bring a whole new meaning to the term “secret tattoo”. One could easily get their entire arm done this way and never have to worry about wearing long sleeves to hide work should their professional life demand so much of them.

Some people are determined to get a standard tattoo, and even if their professional life is incompatible with such options, they should not be deterred. There are various areas of the body where a tattoo can be applied giving the effect of disappearing at inopportune moments. For men, back shoulders are a great option. As shirts that expose this part of the body are generally unacceptable for professional use in any respect, there is also no reason to worry about getting this area of ​​the body tattooed.

For women, back shoulders may not be as good an option for a fading body art piece as it would be for men, as many women’s fashions feature bare shoulders. However, the lower back is one of the most popular areas among women who want to apply body art but need it to be easily hidden for one reason or another. This part of the body is rarely exposed in professional situations and is an excellent option for those who need a tattoo that can safely disappear when the demands of professional life require it.

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