admin Posted on 2:28 pm

Instant Google Search – What the Heck is it?

For the last month or so I have been feeling irritated when I try to type something in the Google search bar. It kept showing long tail keywords before I finished typing and it was a bit annoying because it slowed me down while typing. I noticed that it was a feature called Instant Google Search that was on the right hand side. He would deactivate it instead of finding out what it really was. I would have to disable it every day when logging into my computer and that bothered me.

So one day I finally decided to find out what the hell this is “Instant Google Search“It was really about. I was curious if it was worth my time to find out what it was used for. While researching, I discovered that Google Instant was a tool that helps users locate their information faster and also shows more relevant results from the words you type in. It also provides users with live webcasts of websites as you type your search term.

For example: if you type affiliate as the search term, you will get an instant query of results from affiliate programs, affiliate marketing, affiliate networks, etc. Every time the keyword changes, the search query returns keywords or phrases that belong to your search term. From what I understand it also auto-populates the top suggested terms when you do a search.

So what does this all mean?

It just means that more searches will be done and that it will be much easier. There will be faster results and less typing for users. This is going to be huge for network marketers due to more website impressions, which ultimately means more exposure. There will be more emphasis on the top 3 rankings when people use this tool because if you don’t find what you are looking for, you can simply change the search term. It’s better than typing in a word or phrase, getting the normal results, and then scrolling down each page to find what you’re looking for. Everything is done for you while you search.

What does Google Instant Search do for you?

Imagine more SEO opportunities due to a larger search market. This leads to more money in your pocket if you are an affiliate marketer or network marketer. Now you have a tool that can help you find high ranking long tail keywords to improve your traffic purposes. This strategy may not be for everyone, but if you understand the concept, it could be a winner.

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Internet Marketing Coach

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