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Four applications for teleseminar services

Teleseminar services have become extremely popular in recent years. This valuable tool can be used for different purposes in many business models. This article will discuss four applications, some common and some more unusual.

1. Online companies have been the first to adopt these services, due to the geographic distances between companies and their customers. Interactive classes are often conducted this way, as are promotional calls to introduce a product or service to a new market or to existing customers.

2. Physical retail companies can also make use of this technology. For example, let’s say the owner of a trendy women’s clothing store wanted to promote his new spring fashion line, while rewarding loyal customers. You could send a link to your fan email list, announcing the event online. During the call, you could direct customers to your website, where you could walk them through photos of newcomers. At the same time, you could explain the fresh and new trends of the season and, at the end, offer a special discount word or code. This code would create an incentive for customers to come in and buy!

3. Larger corporations can use this method of communication to train their employees all over the world, from one place. These training calls can also be recorded and used later, saving the company money by not having to re-create training every time a new employee is hired. Training can be scheduled at the employee’s convenience, on a flexible schedule. Employers may also have a "any moment" training for cases where it is necessary for an employee to work from home, for example in winter when there are sometimes road closures due to ice or snow. Even if a large amount of work must wait for employees to return to the office, there can still be productive learning accomplished from home on long-standing topics like time management or increasing sales.

4. Online learning has also increased in universities and colleges. With the exception of certain courses that require students to be hands-on in mastering the material, most classes are suitable for distance learning. This saves students a lot of money that they would otherwise spend on commuting and allows them more time to work, babysit, or spend in other classes. Students with disabilities that make commuting very difficult especially benefit from this method of learning. Teachers can teach from anywhere in the world and therefore colleges and universities may offer a wider variety of classes than might be available in the local area. In this increasingly global economy, students who learn to collaborate with students and teachers from other countries will be at an advantage. This method of teaching allows such collaboration much more easily than local learning.

These services can help companies train their employees, provide marketing opportunities for retail companies, boost an online business, and create global teaching and learning opportunities. From your favorite local clothing store to large corporations, online businesses, and universities, phone and online learning is certainly here to stay.

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