admin Posted on 5:24 pm

Did you know the effects of terrestrial termites on ecosystems?

The ecosystem groups all organisms in their relationship with the environment and with each other. Everything that happens in our environment is related to everything in one way or another. Whether these events directly or indirectly affect the environment, all things, big or small, play a role in our ecosystem.

Subterranean termites or as they are sometime called ground termites nest underground and can cause devastation if overcrowded. Other types of termites build mounds that rise up to twenty feet above the ground. Subterranean termites nest underground and the soil becomes rich in nutrients needed for the growth of grass, trees and flowers and, in some cases, farmers’ bountiful harvests.

Effects on the ecosystem due to terrestrial termites

Ecosystem Effects by Terrestrial Termites is given a positive rating, while we as homeowners receive a negative review. Termites contribute to our environment by fertilizing the soil while cleaning up dead leaves, dead wood, and branches. Although these pests can destroy a home, they can help in the growth of our environment.

The ground termite aids in the decomposition of dead wood as it feeds and speeds up the decomposition process, allowing the soil to receive the necessary fertilizer for new growth. This process would not happen were it not for subterranean termites. Without the help of termites, the soils would eventually need us to fertilize the land in order to maintain our forests and other beautiful wooded areas.

Farmers have been known to plant their crops near a termite mound because the soil is fertilized and the crops grow healthy without artificial fertilizers. In the forest or in farmers’ fields, you will see healthier growth thanks to termites. This allows for new growth and healthy growth as the decomposition of debris due to termites helps with the effects on ecosystems of terrestrial termites.

Termites will live with us and grow in population as they feed and produce daily. While we wish termites would go extinct, if this were to happen the effects of terrestrial termites on ecosystems would suffer greatly. Believe it or not, we need these pesky pests to survive and grow. We need the termite to fertilize our soil and help with the decomposition process in many areas. Termites are welcome in nature, but as homeowners we condemn termites which will have a devastating effect on our homes and other buildings.

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