admin Posted on 8:15 pm

Correct Bow Legs With Mini Invasive Surgery

Many people affected by bow legs are often aware of this problem. This awareness causes a great loss of confidence. Many people with bowed legs are unaware that there is an option to correct this common leg deformity with surgery.

Today, surgery to correct bowlegs and bumpy knees is safe and accurate. Even people with the most obvious deformities can solve the problem with these procedures.

The procedure consists of realigning the bone with the means of a computerized external fixation that guarantees the most aesthetic and functional result of all time.

Surgeons perform this type of surgery on a daily basis with amazingly good results. With this modern and advanced technique, many people are achieving their lifelong dream of having straight, attractive legs.

This surgical technique has also helped reduce the risk of osteoarthritis. In fact, this condition is caused by leg deformities such as bowlegs and with this operation the risk of developing this terrible condition is drastically reduced.

The advantage of using computerized external fixation to correct bow leg and knocked knees is due to the precision of the technique and the minimally invasive technique used. This type of surgery is well available in the US and Europe, where many people are resolving this troublesome condition.

The perfect appearance of the legs after this procedure is another of the strengths of this new innovative technique. The scars are a few mm small and perfectly straight. Previous techniques, which used internal plates, were not effective in correcting the appearance of the legs and the scares were much greater. A surgeon seeking a better looking and more precise leg correction is now employing the computerized external fixation technique with superior results both functionally and aesthetically. This technique is available from 15-16 years.

In childhood there are even simpler techniques that give perfect results. In order to undergo this surgery, the interested person must consult a surgeon who is an expert in correction of the leg deformity. During the consultation, the doctor will evaluate the deformity and decide the best plan to correct it. In the same consultation, the doctor will show you images of the results and the entire process. The next step is to have all the necessary medical tests and x-rays. X-rays are necessary to estimate the extent of the deformity and to program the computer to perform the perfect correction.

The next step is to perform the procedure, followed by a series of follow-up consultations.

Bowleg correction is possible and easy with newer and more advanced techniques. The procedure consists of realigning the bone using computerized external fixation. Surgeons perform surgeries like this on a daily basis obtaining the best results. With this innovative new technique, many people are achieving their lifelong dream of straight, attractive legs.

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